Forum Discussion

Arvin_MISPL's avatar
12 years ago

BE2012 Device and Media Service failed with Error 1053

Hi everyone,

The system could not start Backup Exec Device and Media Service service on Local Computer after a clean install. Error 1053: The service did not respond to the start or control request in a timely fashion. The KB TECH64670 didn't help  as the DB is online. Please assist.

OS Platform: Win Server 2K3 R2 x64 SP2
BE version: 2012 SP1
SQL DB: 2005 Express

  • I tried to add System DSN but end up with error 193. I launched SP2 installation again and restarted the machine, everything works well after that.

    Thanks for your help guys!

18 Replies

  • Hi,

    Thanks for your advise.

    I've restored the corrupted DLL file but now it seems to be another issue. The issue is as KB TECH64081. I've tried the solution by fixing the MDAC and performed UDL Test (test successful) but I'm still getting ERROR_DATABASE_DOES_NOT_EXIST in event viewer.

    The only thing left now is BE 2010 SP1 repair and OS SP2 repair.

  • Hi

    In this case in SQL studio do you see bedb in databases when you connect using bkupexec instance , if you have not tried that please open sql studio, then connect to bkupexec instance , once done please see if bedb is attached to corect mdf & ldf files. If you don't see bedb listed under databases please right click on databases to click on attach & give the location of your mdf & ldf file for backupexec under C-program files-symantec- backup exec- data folder.

    If this doesn't work you can remove backup exec completely & repair the OS & then try installing Backup exec again




  • SQL Express does not come with SQL Studio.

  • Hi


    I have not mention SQL studio comes with SQL express , If OP have SQL studio he can use to connect to bkupexec instance if not he can download it & install it




  • I tried to add System DSN but end up with error 193. I launched SP2 installation again and restarted the machine, everything works well after that.

    Thanks for your help guys!

  • Hi, There is no sp2 yet for BE2012, and your above comment mention you tried reinstalling sp2 help to fix the issue. So not sure what is the exact solution here? Thanks