Forum Discussion

Inventino's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago


I would like to promote CASO environment with BE2014 and I have 3 media servers.

Main Site:

1. ServerA backs up 10 SQL servers.

2. ServerB is BE server and FileSharing server.  Est. size = 30-40TB.

DR Site:

1. ServerC has no backup running. just prepare for DR. 


*WAN link between Main Site to DR Site = 30Mbps


1. ServerA@Main site and ServerC@DR Site, It must be shared device and can be restore both site. and can do optimized duplication.

2. There is no need to do Optimized duplication between ServerB and ServerC because ServerB is big data. just want to restore data from ServerB to SererC.



1. What server should be CAS? and what's reason?

2. Can MBES do "Centrally managed backup exec server" and another MBES do "Locally managed Backup Exec server"?

  • Let me clarify. I meant re-install using the "repair" option from Add/Remove programs. In that case, yes, your backup definitions will remain and can also restore previously backed up data.

8 Replies

  • Hi,


    1. My choice would be to make the DR server the CASO server. At the end of the day it is personal choice, and if the DR server is just sitting there waiting to be used, put the CASO load on it. It won't add much load, but that is what I would do myself. Like I said, it comes down to personal choice.

    2. You can choose where each MMS server locates its catalog data on an individual basis. This is granular, and not fixed on every MMS server added to the CASO. Read below on catalog location in a CASO environment.

    I've also included an extra 2 TNs to read through... (if you have an FC-attached tape library)




  • Thank you for your recommended. 

    After promoted MMS and choosed catalog location, Why cannot be change catalog type(distributed, centralized , replicated)? (It's grey, cannot drop-down).


  • can change the catalog location using BEutility.exe. If it doesn't allow this, remove it from the CASO and re-add it and choose the correct location.


  • BEUtility.exe would not give the option to change catalog location for CASO-MMS. Was the option "Unrestricted access to catalogs"  selected or deselected during the MMS install ?

  • I'm not remember but i think that choose "Unrestricted access to catalogs".

    selected or deselected, Is it related to this matter?

  • When allow unresticted access to catalogs is selected, then the UI does not give the option to change the catalog location (like in your case)

    When this option is deslected, then you can change the catalog location for the MMS server. cCinstall of the MMS server and during the repair install, deselect this option. Once the install completes, you should be able to change the catalog location.

  • Let's me confirm. You mean that i needs to reinstall MMS and install MMS with deselect this option.

    Is my understand correct?


    In case of reinstall MMS

    - Is Backup policy still remain ? 

    - Can restore data that already backed up before reinstall MMS?


  • Let me clarify. I meant re-install using the "repair" option from Add/Remove programs. In that case, yes, your backup definitions will remain and can also restore previously backed up data.