Forum Discussion

kabeerk's avatar
Level 4
15 years ago

BEWS 9.1 with Overland Powerloader 1xLTO2

 We have just recently bought this combination to replace our ageing DDS and DLT single drive backups.

I am having trouble gettin the media in the loader to be recognised properly.  I appears in the slots under 'devices' as unknown media and does not appear under media at all.

There also seem to be some general communications issues with the loader.  Inventory, label and erase jobs fail giving 'invalid element address' after about an hour or so of doing nothing.

Anyone got any ideas?
  •  To delete the library you will have to disable & delete the drive first, then the delete option will become avalible.

    Lyon's sugesstion would have been my next move too

    When you change the SCSI ID's did you remember to reboot the library before rebooting your server? And also try to make the library SCSI ID lower than the drive ID ie: Library ID 0 - DRIVE ID 1.

    What SCSI card are you using? You could also try turning "wide negotiation" off in the SCSI bios.


9 Replies

  • I am guessing that either you are not using barcode labels on your tapes or you dont have a bar code reader in your tape library (Bar code readers in the LXL Overland libraries are optional - but they standard in the NEO's & LXM's).

    If this is the case all you have to do is either inventory, erase or label the tapes & Backup Exec will allocate a tape label & you will see the media in the media sets.

  • Have you installed symantec drivers for the tape lirary?
  •  First delete all the devices in Backup Exec - you must disable them first, and then delete - start with the tape device, then the loader, once clear - shutdown the server.

    Change the SCSI ID's on the Overland - 2 for the Loader arm, 3 for the tape drive - recycle the loader, when initialised, make sure it is seen properly in the SCSI bios post.

    Once backup and running, make sure Windows can see the tape device and make sure under Medium Changers, there is an unknown medium changer.

    Start backup Exec.
    Run the device configuration wizard - make sure it sees it as an autoloader and not standalone drives.

    Once done and it looks ok - do an inventory on 1 slot - if it comes back successful, inventory the rest of the slots.

    You may also need to disabled bar code rules on the loader - right click in device, configuration, uncheck bar code rules.

    See how u go with this

  •  Thanks Mark, but I am using barcodes and they show up in the slots in devices in BE.  

    Lyon, I also tried your suggestion.  Where in BE do I delete the devices?  The delete option is greyed on the right click menu.  I tried changing the SCSI IDs and rebooting anyway but it didn't help.  

    I may be worth mentioning that Win2K3 sees the device as 'Overland LibraryXpress' rather than unknown.  

    Veritas haven't managed to come up with anything useful yet.  Overland got me to try disabling the removeable storage service which I have done, but it hasn't helped.

    Any more ideas?
  •  To delete the library you will have to disable & delete the drive first, then the delete option will become avalible.

    Lyon's sugesstion would have been my next move too

    When you change the SCSI ID's did you remember to reboot the library before rebooting your server? And also try to make the library SCSI ID lower than the drive ID ie: Library ID 0 - DRIVE ID 1.

    What SCSI card are you using? You could also try turning "wide negotiation" off in the SCSI bios.

  •  Deleting the library in BE and changing SCSI IDs again seems to have sorted it out.  I have just run a successful inventory of the whole library and run a test backup and restore

    I do however have another problem and with remote exchange backups but I will create a new thread.

    Thanks for all your comments, very much appreciated.
