Forum Discussion

Aaron_W_'s avatar
Level 2
16 years ago

New Overland 2000 not being used.

I'm am new this and this has been dropped in my lap. We added another Neo 2000 LTO3 to our exsiting Neo 2000 with LTO2, along with a robot to handle tapes in between the two. In Netbackup the drive are listed under the Device Monitor and under the robot. When I do a inventory all tapes (both units) get scanned. However when backups run the drives are not used.. I have gone to a policy and specified the new drives be used, but the original drives are still used.


How do I incorporate the new drives?

  • Thanks Andy. After switching the LTO3s to HCART2, adding the additional drives to the max concurrent drives for backup along with a reboot it is now working... Stopping and starting the daemons was not enough apparently.


    Thanks again


    Thanks to all who replied.

10 Replies

  • If you have your LTO2 drives setup as HCART2

    and you have your LTO3 drive setup as HCART3.....


    and you have your LTO2 tapes set up as HCART2


    then netbackup is going to put a HCART2 tape into an HCART2 tape drive.


    if you want to use the LTO3 tape drive you need to have LTO3 tapes in the library and the tapes need to be setup as HCART3's.


    the media type has to match the drive type.


  • When you added your new drive did you configure your STU's to use more concurrent devices? is the drive available on the NBU side? something happens that you configure the drive but has a standalone not has part of a library, have added your drive has part of your actual library?


    this is just a few of the things that can happen after a new drive add, just let us know.




  • I thought I read somewhere that a LTO3 drive will read LTO2 tapes. The drives are listed as part of the TLD and set to LTO2 ( I read that in order to use them a LTO3 must be set as LTO2). Under storage units the LTO3 drives shoe up as another unit. (one for LTO2 and one for LTO3).

    Thanks for your help.

  • Aaron W. wrote:

    I thought I read somewhere that a LTO3 drive will read LTO2 tapes.


    True - the key word being READ.

    however you are having issues with backups - writing.

    the LTO3 will not write to an LTO2 tape.


    And it still comes down to the fact that Netbackup matches up meida type to drive type.

    it will not mount an HCART2 tape into an HCART3 drive.


  • If I remember rightly, they can read 2 generations back but only write 1 generation back:


    LTO4 read LTO3 & LTO2, write LTO3

    LTO3 read LTO2 & LTO1, write LTO2


    The only alternative I can think of - especially if you do not intend to use LTO3 tapes - would be to change the LTO3 drive type to HCART2 (or whatever to match your others) & amend your Storage Unit to include the extra drive(s).


    We have done this, but only on a temporary basis to allow us to import LTO2 tapes on our LTO3 tape drives. This could cause issues in the future when/if you start to use LTO3 tapes - you would have to change your LTO3 drive(s) back to ensure that they can be read/written to correctly.

  • I had changed the drive type to hcart2 but that did not seem to make a difference. Under storage units I have a 2 listed one that is the LTO2 drive and one that is LTO3. Should I remove the LTO3 storage unit and and add 2 more drives to max concurrent drives used for backup on the LTO2 stoage unit?
  • Wouldn't have thought it necessary to remove the STU for the HCART3/LTO3 drives - if you've changed the drives to HCART2 then there will be none available to use anyway. No harm either way.


    You will need to increase the max concurrent drives. e.g. If you now have 4 drives & it's only set to 2 on the STU then it will only use 2.

  • Thanks Andy. After switching the LTO3s to HCART2, adding the additional drives to the max concurrent drives for backup along with a reboot it is now working... Stopping and starting the daemons was not enough apparently.


    Thanks again


    Thanks to all who replied.

  • Well I learned something, I did not know you could write one level back.


    thanks for the lesson Andy.



  • Never actually tried it (restores only) so good to know it actually works!


    [Can go home now feeling I've actually achieved something today! :smileyvery-happy: ]