Forum Discussion

Hard-Reset's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

BSOD 0x0000006B after Domain Controller Restore (BE 2012)

Hi everyone,

as the title says i get a BSOD with error code 0x0000006B PROCESS1_INITIALIZATION_FAILED every time i try to restore a windows 2008R2 (DC) server.

Here is what i did:
I installed a new 2008R2 server, got all the windows updates, promoted it to DC, installed BackupExec2012 (got updates as well, SP3), installed required software and backed the whole thing up (Full Backups only).

Now i am trying to restore a saved state. I am following the instructions from the Admin guide ("Running a manual disaster recovery of a local Windows computer" - page 639).

It is the same physical machine i got the backup from. I install a new Windows 2008R2 Standard, get the HDD config as it was in the backup and set the former computername and installing BE2012 to a diffrent path as in the backup.

At first the restore process failed instantly with error code 0xe000848c (V-79-57344-33932).
After about 4 hours of searching, i found

OK - got this problem solved, adding the domain suffix works.

(I got no idea why this is nowhere to be found in any of the guides provided by the Admin handbook, neither on page 235 nor page 639.
If anyone from Symantec reads this, PLEASE do as PompeyMatt asked you to and add this to the handbook! It saves people time.)

Continuing the Symantec guide i could then restore the files and the system state.
After a reboot the system crashes with 0x0000006B.
Microsoft's solution to it, deleting the bootcat.cache file does not help (

Anyone got an idea how to continue?
I did everything as told in the guides, so i can't possibly think of an error. I hope promoting the server to DC prior to installing BE2012 isn't the problem :(
Should i do windows updates or BE update prior to the restore task?
Might this be a DomainController issue?

Any help is appreciated,
So long

  • Well,

    it seems the solution is as simple as sad:
    Uninstall BE2012 and use BE2010.

    A BE2010 restore has no problems at all and the restored system works fine.

    After techsupport noticed that i requested a downgrade license they asked me if my problem was solved...
    It is not solved at all, no one could even tell me what could have caused the damaged backups in BE2012.


    It seems to me BE2012 is not the product it is supposed to be and reading the forums, I am not alone.

    Maybe the developers should have worked on functionality first, before going for a "fancy" GUI.
    Forgive my sarcasm, but after working 2 weeks on this without any result, it may be understandable.

    Thank you for all your help Laurie.


8 Replies


    I am currently looking into the possibilities for the issue you indicate that you are experiencing, and I would advise to try running a Windows repair, to see if that fixes the problem when rebooting. If you could also provide me with the information I have requested, I will be able to better assist you. 

    1. Was the server your restoring a physical or virtual machine?
    2. Was the DC a SBS (Small Business Server)?
    3. If it was not an SBS was the DC the backup server or a remote client server

    You may also want to refer to the information in and ensure that the steps within the document were followed closely

    • If the system was in a specific domain or workgroup, do not join the domain or workgroup at this time.
    • If you are recovering a domain controller, do not perform the domain controller installation process at this time.


  • Hi Laurie,

    thanks for your reply. I worked a bit on the machine and after doing a "sfc /scannow" and a "chkdsk" through Windows repair I got the system running again.

    However, there is a strange black screen for about 5 seconds now before the login screen appears and the whole systems feels slow. I don't think thats a "clean" solution, so I keep trying at the moment.

    Your questions:

    1. The server is a physical machine. As I am trying to restore on the same machine, there are no hardware differences.

    2. It is not a SBS. As stated in my previous post, the server is a Windows 2008 R2 Standard who got "dcpromo".

    3. The DC was the backup server. (There is only one server in this specific environment, so i had to install BE2012 on this machine)

    I did follow the steps mentioned exactly. As I am new to BE2012, I was hoping following this guide would lead to success and I am a bit disappointed that it did not.

    Going for another try now,
    So long


  • Ben,

    Thank you for getting back to me and providing me with the requested information I previously asked regarding the recovery of your DC. I am glad to hear that running the Windows repair corrected the problem during the boot process.

    I would have to agree with you that the black screen you mentioned prior to the login screen generating, does sound unusual. I will look into a few things and see what I might be able to find out for you, so if you discover anything further it would be appreciated if you could let us know as well.

  • Hey Laurie,

    having run some more tests i came across two things. I would appreciate it if you could tell me your opinion about these:

    1. Some of the backups (including the failing one) have a yellow exclamation mark icon, that differs from other backups. I came across this earlier and searched the web about this and found the answer „it does not matter as long as the backup is successful“. However I don‘t think that this is the reason for the backup failure as one of the backups with this icon restored successfully. Maybe you could clarify the icon‘s meaning? (see attachments)
    1. The system I am trying to restore has a quite weird background (as the restores kept failing, i asked a colleague about it).
      At first another server was installed, similar hardware as the actual system.
      This server got backed up on tape (BE2010).
      The tape was restored on another machine.
      This machine got virtualized via Disk2vhd.
      The virtual machine got backed up via Windows Backup (wbadmin).
      This backup got restored, was reconfigured (including uninstallation of BE2010) and built into the system from which i got the backup i am trying to restore now.
      I think this was done to save time with the configuration.

      I imagine this rather strange course of backup/restore could cause problems?
      My tests with „clean“ Windows DCs were all successful.
      But then again, the system itself seems to run fine, its just the restore that keeps failing.




  • Ben,

    Because of the information that you provided earlier:

     This server got backed up on tape (BE2010).

    The tape was restored on another machine.

    This machine got virtualized via Disk2vhd.

    The virtual machine got backed up via Windows Backup (wbadmin).


    I would recommend pushing a redirected restore. Please let me know if that helps.

  • Laurie,

    I guess a redirected restore would have been the way to go if this was a "real" disaster recovery.
    The machine i set up was in preparation for a project which is going to take place in a few weeks, so i had the time to check if the backups were fine.

    However a complete restore is the desired way to go here as we made some changes to the machine we'd like to keep.

    I've been in contact with Symantec support for a week now and i got a definite answer regarding the backups: Don't mix backup solutions (Windows Backup and BE).

    Now I rebuilt the whole machine based on a tape i had still around (BE2010). So there was no Windows Backup restore and no virtualization on this machine now, but the Backups are still shown as corrupted.

    Thats what I'm trying to resolve right now. Symantec Support is working on it and I am running out of ideas. Restoring the corrupted machine state still gives me 0x0000006B.

    Restoring with the SDR boot CD works fine, but as soon as the machine is restored, backups taken from there are corrupted too and lead to a BSOD when being restored.
    I sure hope someone at Symantec knows what is causing these corrupted backups.

    Gonna try BE2010 now...

    Thanks for your suggestion though, it is much appreciated.



  • Ben,

    Thank you for the update and I’m glad that I could assist with the boot process for you.

                      “After a reboot the system crashes with 0x0000006B.”

                    “I would advise to try running a Windows repair, to see if that fixes the problem when                rebooting”

    It sounds like our support team is the best resource at this time to assist you in resolving the issue, and please let me know if I can be of further help, I am happy to do what I can. I am also curious as to the results of the why the backups still show as corrupted, so please let us know what you or our support team might find.

  • Well,

    it seems the solution is as simple as sad:
    Uninstall BE2012 and use BE2010.

    A BE2010 restore has no problems at all and the restored system works fine.

    After techsupport noticed that i requested a downgrade license they asked me if my problem was solved...
    It is not solved at all, no one could even tell me what could have caused the damaged backups in BE2012.


    It seems to me BE2012 is not the product it is supposed to be and reading the forums, I am not alone.

    Maybe the developers should have worked on functionality first, before going for a "fancy" GUI.
    Forgive my sarcasm, but after working 2 weeks on this without any result, it may be understandable.

    Thank you for all your help Laurie.
