Control Host
Hello Experts,
What are the work of control in netbackup say Scan-TLD, active, TLD etc?
scan-tld would be seen in vmoprcmd output, so a media server would be shown alongside.
From the shared storage guide:
Scan hosts are a component of the NetBackup Shared Storage Option.
Each shared drive has a host that is identified as the scan host. A scan host is the
host from which the automatic volume recognition process (avrd) scans unassigned
drives. (The robotic daemons scan assigned drives.) A scan host must have data
path access to the drive.scan hosts only exist in an SSO setup, where multiple media servers see the drive (or drives). Only one media server is the scan host and this hosts polls the drive to continuously detect status/ availability of the drive. The scan host will change, for example when a media server makes a mount request, it will swich to become the scan host.
Providing the system is working, you do not realy need to worry about the scan host, as long as there is one, that is really all you need to worry about, again, only is SSO environments.
TLD shows that the drive is under control of a TLD robot,in other words is a drive in a robot that is defined as TLD type, which these days is mostly all you come across. If the drive was in an ACS library (the 2nd most common type) then it would show as ACS, not TLD. If the drive is standalone it would show as AVR. Also, if a robotic drive is mis-configured, or some issue is stopping it being detected as being in a robot (for example, communications to the library has been lost, it would also show as AVR).
Drives can have other various modes, covered in the documentation but here is a copy/paste from TECH56201
DOWN-<robot_designation>For example, DOWN-TLD.The drive is in an usable state because it was downed by an operator or by NetBackup; or when the drive was configured, it was added as a down drive. Applies only to robotic drives.
DOWNIn this mode, the drive is not available to Media Manager.Applies only to standalone drives.A drive can be in a DOWN mode because of problems or because it was set to that mode usingActions | Down Drive.
PEND-<robot_designation>For example, PEND-TLD.The drive is in a pending status. Applies only to robotic drives.
PENDThe drive is in a pending status. Applies only to standalone drives.If the drive reports a SCSI RESERVATION CONFLICT status, this column will show PEND. This status means that the drive is reserved when it should not be reserved. Some server operating systems (Windows, Tru64, and HP-UX) may report PEND if the drive reports Busy when opened. You can use the AVRD_PEND_DELAY entry in the Media Manager configuration file to filter out these reports.
AVRThe drive is running with automatic volume recognition enabled.The drive is in a usable state with automatic volume recognition enabled, but the robotic daemon managing the drive is not connected or is not working. Automated media mounts do not occur with a drive in this state (unless the media is in a drive on the system, or, this is a standalone tape drive), but the operator can physically mount a tape in the drive or use robtest to cause a tape mount as needed.
OPRThe drive is running in a secure mode where operators must manually assign mount requests to the drive. AVRD is not scanningthis drive when in this mode. This mode gives operators control over which mount requests can be satisfied.Applies only to standalone drives.
NO-SCANA drive is configured for shared storage option (SSO), but has no available scan host (to be considered available, a host must register with a SSO_SCAN_ABILITY factor of non-zero and have the drive in the UP state). NO-SCAN may be caused if all available scan hosts have the drive in the DOWN state. Other hosts (that are not scan hosts) may want to use the drive, but they registered with a scan factor of zero. The drive is unusable by NetBackup until a scan host can be assigned.
MixedThe control mode for a shared drive may not be the same on all hosts sharing the drive. For shared drives, each host can have adifferent status for the drive. If the control modes are all the same, that mode is displayed.RESTARTThe control mode for a shared drive may not be the same on all hosts sharing the drive. This status indicates that ltid needs to be restarted. To determine what server need to be restarted, right-click the drive in the device monitor and select up. This will tell you what servers that ltidneeds to be restarted.