Forum Discussion

FarHorizons's avatar
13 years ago

BUExec 12.5 Pre/Post Commands

Hello to all !!!

I was wondering if someone might be willing to clear up a bit of confusion I have around the Pre/Post commands associated with the Properties of a backup job.

I was had the impression that the "pre/post" command could be run on a specific server within the Resource list of a backup job. But upon reading through the Admin Guide, it appears that the "Pre/Post" command is run before & after the entire backup job. Is this correct?

Thank you in advance for your help with this.



  • If you have multiple servers in the same backup job & if "On each server backed up" option is checked, then pre- and post-command selections apply to each server independently

1 Reply

  • If you have multiple servers in the same backup job & if "On each server backed up" option is checked, then pre- and post-command selections apply to each server independently