Forum Discussion

Bob_Winston's avatar
19 years ago

Cannot contact Netware agent even though volumes are listed

Hello Support:

I am using the latest patched version of BE 10.x. I am running backups on Netware Servers running 6.x from Windows 2003 Standard servers. I could formerly contact all Novell servers. Now I am suddenly getting an "Error connecting to remote servers. Make sure the Netware Remote Agent is running" message when I try to run a backup job.

When I look at the logger screen on the Netware console, I am seeing the - new - message of "Get effective rights (message) lookup failed." I have the ADVRTMS.DAT file configured with the IP addresses of the backup servers. When I click on the "Backup" tab in BE, I get a full listing of my Netware servers along with their volumes. (Usually one would get a connection error here if the Netware Agent were faulty.) This volume listing alone used to imply that the Netware Agent was up and running. I have of course run BESTART and the Netware console shows BKEXEC.NLM up and running.

One caveat, I did see a process using Port 10000. So I switched the backup process to use Port 12345, and entered it in the services and CFG files as decimal and Hexadecimal. Any clues as to why I can see the volumes listed under the backup tab / Netware Agents, but when I run a backup job I get the "cannot contact remote agent" errors? Thanks!!!

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