Forum Discussion

jongeob's avatar
Level 3
15 years ago

Cannot Delete User in DLO Console, stuck in "Delete Pending" state

Cannot Delete User   : |

I deleted a user in the DLO console (v12)  and it has been in Delete Pending for about a month now.   I stumble upon a thread that helped me delete some computer accounts from DLO that were stuck in that Delete Pending state, but I don't know the syntax for deleting a user from the SQL database.

I did find an article in symantecs KB about deleting the contents of the user Network user data folder and the user will remove itself at that point.  Well.. No such luck.

I really need to delete this user from  the database.  Any help is appreciated.

Thanks in Advance,

  • Hello,

    When using Backup Exec for Windows Servers Desktop and Laptop Option (DLO) - User or Computer is stuck in a Delete Pending State.

    #  The User Account is stuck at "DeletePending" State.

    In Backup Exec for Windows 11d and 12d DLOusers do not get deleted from the console immediately after they areDeleted. They will stay in a Delete Pending state normally for about 15minutes. In some cases they may stay in this state and neverdelete. The most common reason for this is that the Network User DataFolder (NUDF) was manually deleted prior to removing the user from theconsole.

    The following are steps to manually delete users from thedatabase.

    NOTE: Use BEUTILITY to DUMP "backup" the DLOdatabase. Copy saved database X:\program files\Symantec\backupexec\

    data\BE_DLO.BAK to a safe location.

    The delete userscript deletes by UserID so the first thing we have to do is find out the userID.
    NOTE:Clean installs of Backup Exec 11 and 12 will use the BKUPEXEC instance for both the BE database and the DLO database. Upgrades from previous versionswill have separate instances and the DLO instance maybeBKUPEXECDLO. Verify the instance name is correct before running thecommands below.
    From a CMDprompt type the following:

    osql -E -S%COMPUTERNAME%\bkupexec -d BE_DLO
    1> selectUserID from SUser where UserName = 'username'
    2> go
    (NOTE:'username' above = the name of the user)
    Then take theUserID returned and type:
    osql -E -S%COMPUTERNAME%\bkupexec -d BE_DLO
    1> EXECUTEDelete_User 'ID'
    2> go
    You can run thedelete for multiple users after running the first part to get all the usernames.
    osql -E -S%COMPUTERNAME%\bkupexec -d BE_DLO
    1> EXECUTEDelete_User 'ID'
    2> EXECUTEDelete_User 'ID2'
    3> EXECUTEDelete_User 'ID3'

    After the command gets executed refresh the DLO Administration console and verify that theuser/s are deleted and no longer shows up "Delete Pending"

    # The Computer Account is stuck at "Delete Pending" State

    The Cause of this is most likely to be the change inHostName of a Workstation. The following are steps to manually delete oldcomputers from the database which do not exist physically on the network and arestuck at "Delete Pending" state when an attempt is made to delete them from DLOConsole.

    NOTE: Use BEUTILITY to DUMP "backup" the DLOdatabase. Copy saved database X:\program files\Symantec\backupexec\data\BE_DLO.BAK to a safe location.

    The deletemachine script deletes by MachineID so the first thing we have to do is find outthe Machine ID.
    NOTE:Clean installs of Backup Exec 11 and 12 will use the BKUPEXEC instance forboth the BE database and the DLO database. Upgrades from previous versionswill have separate instances and the DLO instance maybeBKUPEXECDLO. Verify the instance name is correct before running thecommands below.
    From a CMDprompt type the following:

    osql -E -S%COMPUTERNAME%\bkupexec -d BE_DLO
    1> selectMSID from MachineSettings where MSName = 'ComputerName'
    2> GO
    (NOTE:'ComputerName' above = the Host Name of the Computer as it appears in DLOConsole)
    Then take theMachineID returned and type:
    1> EXECDelete_Machine 'MachineID'
    e.g.EXEC Delete_Machine 43
    2> GO

    Launch DLOConsole and confirm that Computer Account no longer shows "Delete Pending" Stateand is deleted.


8 Replies

  • Hello,

    When using Backup Exec for Windows Servers Desktop and Laptop Option (DLO) - User or Computer is stuck in a Delete Pending State.

    #  The User Account is stuck at "DeletePending" State.

    In Backup Exec for Windows 11d and 12d DLOusers do not get deleted from the console immediately after they areDeleted. They will stay in a Delete Pending state normally for about 15minutes. In some cases they may stay in this state and neverdelete. The most common reason for this is that the Network User DataFolder (NUDF) was manually deleted prior to removing the user from theconsole.

    The following are steps to manually delete users from thedatabase.

    NOTE: Use BEUTILITY to DUMP "backup" the DLOdatabase. Copy saved database X:\program files\Symantec\backupexec\

    data\BE_DLO.BAK to a safe location.

    The delete userscript deletes by UserID so the first thing we have to do is find out the userID.
    NOTE:Clean installs of Backup Exec 11 and 12 will use the BKUPEXEC instance for both the BE database and the DLO database. Upgrades from previous versionswill have separate instances and the DLO instance maybeBKUPEXECDLO. Verify the instance name is correct before running thecommands below.
    From a CMDprompt type the following:

    osql -E -S%COMPUTERNAME%\bkupexec -d BE_DLO
    1> selectUserID from SUser where UserName = 'username'
    2> go
    (NOTE:'username' above = the name of the user)
    Then take theUserID returned and type:
    osql -E -S%COMPUTERNAME%\bkupexec -d BE_DLO
    1> EXECUTEDelete_User 'ID'
    2> go
    You can run thedelete for multiple users after running the first part to get all the usernames.
    osql -E -S%COMPUTERNAME%\bkupexec -d BE_DLO
    1> EXECUTEDelete_User 'ID'
    2> EXECUTEDelete_User 'ID2'
    3> EXECUTEDelete_User 'ID3'

    After the command gets executed refresh the DLO Administration console and verify that theuser/s are deleted and no longer shows up "Delete Pending"

    # The Computer Account is stuck at "Delete Pending" State

    The Cause of this is most likely to be the change inHostName of a Workstation. The following are steps to manually delete oldcomputers from the database which do not exist physically on the network and arestuck at "Delete Pending" state when an attempt is made to delete them from DLOConsole.

    NOTE: Use BEUTILITY to DUMP "backup" the DLOdatabase. Copy saved database X:\program files\Symantec\backupexec\data\BE_DLO.BAK to a safe location.

    The deletemachine script deletes by MachineID so the first thing we have to do is find outthe Machine ID.
    NOTE:Clean installs of Backup Exec 11 and 12 will use the BKUPEXEC instance forboth the BE database and the DLO database. Upgrades from previous versionswill have separate instances and the DLO instance maybeBKUPEXECDLO. Verify the instance name is correct before running thecommands below.
    From a CMDprompt type the following:

    osql -E -S%COMPUTERNAME%\bkupexec -d BE_DLO
    1> selectMSID from MachineSettings where MSName = 'ComputerName'
    2> GO
    (NOTE:'ComputerName' above = the Host Name of the Computer as it appears in DLOConsole)
    Then take theMachineID returned and type:
    1> EXECDelete_Machine 'MachineID'
    e.g.EXEC Delete_Machine 43
    2> GO

    Launch DLOConsole and confirm that Computer Account no longer shows "Delete Pending" Stateand is deleted.


  • Dev T,

    You my friend are awesome.   It worked great!

    Many many thanks!
  • If this post provides you with a solution don't forget to mark the discussion as solved.

  • Hey Dev T,

    I was wondering if I could pick your brain further.  I have a server name and storage location stuck in DLO.  It cannot be deleted because we got rid of the server and the domain it was in.  We forgot that we had a share location in DLO on that server.  So we didn't delete things in the correct order I suppose.  Now, when I right click on that storage location and hit delete, it dosen't do anything. and I can't delete the server until that storage location is gone.

    Is there a way to manually delete that storage location using the osql command?

    Thanks for your time,
  • Please give me sometime...i will definitely come up with a solution....
  • For anyone else reading this thread you might want to be aware that in older versions of Backup Exec (or in new versions that were upgrades from old versions) The SQL Instance for DLO is not called BKUPEXEC - but instead is BKUPEXECDLO as such Dev T's script  wil need a modification. Other than that - nice script :)