Forum Discussion

Don_Wheeler's avatar
18 years ago

Can't install latest tape drivers for 10d

I would like to install the latest W2k3 drivers for BENT 10d.  I downloaded the file at
But when I try to execute it, I get a weird error message that is unreadable.  It's a dialog box with a red X and all it says in the box is "tion".
When I try to extract the latest driver files from the "packagefortheweb" file using winzip, I get a message that the file is corrupt.
When I try to install the original drivers that came on the 10d CD, I receive a message that says "ERROR: Version mismatch.  This version of tapeinst is only compatible with Backup Exec 10.0".
Now I'm stumped.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Thank you.

10 Replies

  • Do you have Build 6235 or 7170?  There are different Driver packs for each
    Have you tried downloading the file again?

    Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 06-05-200709:52 AM

  • Oops.  Sorry Ken.  I forgot to mention the rev.
    I'm using 10.1 Rev 5629 with SP3

    Message Edited by Don Wheeler on 06-05-200710:50 AM

    Message Edited by Don Wheeler on 06-05-200710:51 AM

  • <smacks forehead> 
    Those builds I referenced are for v11d
    Have you tried downloading the DriverPack again?
  • Ken,
    I just d/l and tried it again.  Install still fails.
    I do have a screen shot of what happens if you're interested.
    I'm just not sure what's up here...
  • Don't know what good it might do, but go ahead and post that screen shot.
    Generally  the driver install just runs.  Don't recall seeing any complaints about it on th forums

    Message Edited by Ken Putnam on 06-05-200701:42 PM

  • Here's the screen shot.  Note the "tion" message that I mentioned earlier.  Also below is the only information that appears in the application log.
    Event Type: Information
    Event Source: MsiInstaller
    Event Category: None
    Event ID: 11708
    Date:  6/4/2007
    Time:  9:24:53 AM
    User:  RIDOC\dwheeler
    Computer: DOC-V1
    Product: VERITAS Device Driver Install -- Installation operation failed.
    For more information, see Help and Support Center at
    0000: 7b 39 34 38 35 35 33 34   {9485534
    0008: 31 2d 33 44 37 37 2d 34   1-3D77-4
    0010: 43 38 39 2d 38 42 44 34   C89-8BD4
    0018: 2d 41 35 41 39 37 43 33   -A5A97C3
    0020: 38 32 39 38 46 7d 2c 20   8298F},
    0028: 31 36 30 32               1602   
  • Got me
    Guess you could always haul out the credit card and open a case with Symantec:smileysad:
    I would be willing to try an older revision of the drivers (like say the rev just before the latest).  But all shortcuts on the Veritas support site point to the newest drivers.  Anyone know how I can get my hands on previous driver versions?
    I've already tried the Symantec FTP site but it looks as though they don't leave older versions laying around for very long.

    Message Edited by Don Wheeler on 06-06-200710:10 AM

  • The origianl drivers on the install CD would probably be about your only option there.
    Have you tried manufacturer drivers?
  • Yes.  That's where I get the version mismatch error with tapeinst.  It says that I have to be using BE version 10.0.
    The Dell drivers mostly work.  But we're getting lots of job failures and the recommendation from Veritas is to use their drivers over the Dell ones anyway.
    Now, if only they'd allow me to install them...:smileyindifferent: