Forum Discussion

Gabble_Ratchet's avatar
14 years ago

Can't logon after system restore

Hi, I'm having some issues after doing a complete (including system state) restore of a Windows 2003 R2 server (not a DC) using BE 12.5. The restore was from a full backup taken 17 days previously.

Since doing the restore I've not been able to log on to the server either locally or via a domain account. The server boots up ok and is still in the domain but complains that it can't see a DC to log on with. I guess this needs some AD work but surely I should be able to log on locally ??

Has anyone else had this problem after doing a system restore ??

Many thanks


  • Refer to the solution in the following thread. It may help you.


7 Replies

  • What are the errors in the eventlog of this system and do you see any errors in the eventlog of the domain controller(s) ?


    What can be the case, is that the computer-account password has been changed. This can easily be resolved by removing it from the domain (make sure to have a local admin account) and rejoin it to the domain after a reboot.

  • Refer to the solution in the following thread. It may help you.


  • Thanks for the quick reply. No errors in the DC error logs and can't connect locally to the problem server. However, after trying to connect to the problem server the DC error logs are now reporting a Kerberos duplicate system name error (id: 4).

    It won't let me log on locally to remove it from the domain so I'm wondering whether just to delete the computer from AD on the DC and re-add ??



  • Remove and add the system to AD will not work as the computer-account password will not be the same.

    You definitely need to logon locally.

    Since it is a windows 2003 server, I suggest to use a hiren-boot-cd to reset the local administrator password.

  • I'm downloading it now. Never heard of it before and must admit slightly nervous about using it. However, in the circumstances, nothing to lose.

    I'll report back.


  • If it is the machine account that is out of synch because in the 17 days since your backup active directory refreshed it then I am not sure changing the local admin password with Hiren's boot CD will have much of an effect - unless you have the wrong local admin password currently anyway.

    If you do have the correct local passwords, is your domain security (Group Policy) configured to only allow local logons if the Domian Controller can be contacted as this could be your real problem. (in conjunction with an out of synch machine account.




  • Zer0c00l, Kiran, Colin, I checked that out and confirmed that local logons are allowed when the DC is uncontactable.

    I booted (Kon boot) from the Hiren boot CD which gave me access. Changed Administrator password, removed from domain, booted, removed from AD, joined domain, booted and it's now looking good.

    I don't know if this is a common problem following a full system restore but I'll certainly be prepared if this happens again.

    Many thanks for your help
