Forum Discussion

MBGS's avatar
17 years ago

Configure Partitions

I am new to Symantec Backup Exec.  I am currently using version 11.0.  I am using a robotic tape library with a total of 8 slots.  There are tapes in slots 1-5 and slot 7 (slot 6 is used for cleaning and slot 8 is empty).  I have two jobs that run backups Monday-Saturday.  The first job is setup to Monday-Friday using slots 1-5 and the second job is setup to run on Saturday using slot 7.  I have two partitions created; one using slots 1-5 and the other using slot 7.  Somehow the tapes are not being used in the order I would like them.  I would like for Monday's backup to use the tape in slot 1, Tuesday's backup to use the tape in slot 2, Wednesday's backup to use the tape in slot 3, etc.  Somehow Monday's backup uses the media in slot 3 first, Tuesday's backup uses the media in slot 4, Wednesday's backup uses the media in slot 5, etc.  I even checked the configuration for the Robotic Library Properties and for the slot base it is indicated as 1.  How can I get Backup Exec to use the first tape in slot 1 on Monday, the second tape for slot 2 on Tuesday, the third tape for slot 3 on Wednesday, etc.

2 Replies

  • Hello. You need to configure every slot as a single partition if you like to achieve what you want to achieve.
    make Slot 1 for Monday and direct the jobs to it. Do the same for other days. For example configure another partition with Slot 2 for Tuesday job, Etc.
    But be aware that if your backup job exceeds the tape capacity in one of the partitions it waits for you to put in another tape. It will not overwrite tapes present in the same partition ( no matter how many slots a partition may contain)
    Hope this helps.
  • Ariesbabu  -
    It will not overwrite tapes present in the same partition ( no matter how many slots a partition may contain)
    That would depend on the OPP of the media set and the Date/Time  that each tape was closed
    To guarantee what tape is written to, yes you would need to create a partition for each job, but you can come very close by loading the tapes into the partition, then re-labeling the tapes in the order that you want them to be used, and verifying from Tools\Options\Media Management that you have selected "Overwrite reusable media in the Target Media set before scratch media"