Forum Discussion

Marc_Lalonde's avatar
13 years ago

Contacts public folder restoring as messages public folder


First off, let me give you the specifics :

BackupExec 2010 R3 SP1

Exchange 2010 SP1 RU5

Now... I'm trying to restore a contacts public folder.

The restore goes perfectly, with a "successful" job status. When I look at the result in our PFs, the restored PF is there, however the type has changed. It is no longer a "contacts" PF but a "message" PF. The data contained in the PF is there, though. But the contacts now look like e-mails.

What did I miss ?


Note : This thread was opened simultaneously on Symantec and Microsoft forums.

7 Replies

  • Did you try creating the folder as a Contacts-type folder before restoring the content to it?

  • Yes, that works, thanks.

    However, I'm puzzled as to why the restore process does not re-create the correct folder type...

    Is this an issue with the backup software or with Exchange 2010's Public Folders ? (meaning : do you need to pre-create a PF before restoring contents whatever backup software you're using?)

  • another question I'm asking here only : is BackupExec 2010 R3 unable to re-create the correct Public Folder type when restoring ?

  • The information is a bit disappointing, however it's good to know that the problem isn't caused by a bad setup.

    Thank you very much, Sush !

    Thread closed.

  • I understand that the information is a bit disappointing. But as this is a newly introduced issue we are sure to investigate further and come up with the Resolution for it. The technote given in the above post will be updated about the same. So I would request you to subscribe to that technote so that any updates on the issue will be notified to you.

