Forum Discussion

Profector's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Database Consistency Check Fails

Hello,   recently installed 2012,  I came from an older version of Backup Ex where everything had been running smooth for the last few years.  With this next version though I have yet to get a good backup on my Windows Servers. (RHEL server seems to backup fine)  I'm hoping someone would be kind enough to help me through this. We're trying to back up a Windows 2003 r2 server with SQL server 2005.  I have it set to run a full backup everynight, the test completes fine, but it fails when I run it.  This morning I started it's manually.  After about an hour it was verifing the backup, but when I came back a few minute later had failed.  Any pointers?    I read that under AOFO I needed to uncheck "use snapshot technology"  which I did before I started the backup.   



Database Consistency Checks
Consistency checking master
Consistency Check Physical Only.
Consistency check was completed.
Consistency checking model
Consistency Check Physical Only.
Consistency check was completed.
Consistency checking msdb
Consistency Check Physical Only.
Consistency check was completed.
Consistency checking SharePoint_AdminContent_dcc7d0ba-bed1-4511-beea-f826087e8472
Consistency Check Physical Only.
Consistency check was completed.
Consistency checking SharePoint_Config_26b25440-b341-4e15-a988-13b690e0c4e1
Consistency Check Physical Only.
Consistency check was completed.
Consistency checking WSS_Content
Consistency Check Physical Only.
Consistency check was completed.
Consistency checking WSS_SEARCH_SLX
Consistency Check Physical Only.
Consistency check was completed.
Consistency checking WSS_Search_SLX_OLD
Consistency Check Physical Only.
V-79-57344-65085 - There was a problem running the DBCC.
Database 'WSS_Search_SLX_OLD' cannot be opened due to inaccessible files or insufficient
 memory or disk space.  See the SQL Server errorlog for details.





Backup Set Detail Information
V-79-40960-37914 - Database SharePoint_AdminContent_dcc7d0ba-bed1-4511-beea-f826087e8472 
is configured to maintain transaction logs.  Transaction log backups are not being performed.
 This will result in the log growing to fill all available disk space.  Regular log backups 
should be scheduled or the database should be changed to the simple recovery mode.
V-79-40960-37914 - Database SharePoint_Config_26b25440-b341-4e15-a988-13b690e0c4e1 is 
configured to maintain transaction logs.  Transaction log backups are not being performed.
  This will result in the log growing to fill all available disk space.  Regular log backups
 should be scheduled or the database should be changed to the simple recovery mode.
V-79-40960-37914 - Database WSS_Content is configured to maintain transaction logs. 
 Transaction log backups are not being performed.  This will result in the log growing 
to fill all available disk space.  Regular log backups should be scheduled or the database 
should be changed to the simple recovery mode.
Database \WSS_Search_SLX_OLD was not found, or could not be accessed.
V-79-57344-5891 - The object was not found, or could not be accessed (MS SQL backup).

The item SLX.****.com\MICROSOFT##SSEE\WSS_Search_SLX_OLD in use - skipped.


  • Hi


    If sharepoint is no longer there it looks like it not removed properly from the system yet as reference of its database still exist ,so in selection for now it would be good you exclude those database during the backup as they are not functional so that backup would work fine for the one which are there in production and you can protect them



3 Replies

  • Just checked and Sharepoint is not installed anymore.  I'm not sure why those databases are still listed, or how to remove them.

  • Hi


    If sharepoint is no longer there it looks like it not removed properly from the system yet as reference of its database still exist ,so in selection for now it would be good you exclude those database during the backup as they are not functional so that backup would work fine for the one which are there in production and you can protect them

