Forum Discussion

wuquillas's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Checking NetBackup database consistency


Someone have any idea about this message that appear when i execute

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpdbm -consistency


checking image file <p-linux_1414944720_FULL>
checking files file <p-linux_1414944720_FULL.f>
<C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\db\images\sappds\1414000000\p-linux_1414944720_FULL.f> does not exist

This message can produce some error when i tried a restore task?

I will be attentive to your answers



  • Consistency check only checks NBU catalog on the master server. It confirms that the headers have matching .f files and that these files are not size 0 and are readable. Sometimes a header file is created when a backup is started, then consistency check is run before file list is created, resulting in this type of error. For this reason consistency check should only be run when no backups are running. It does not check anything on the backup storage.
  • This implies the subjected image .f file is missing perhaps the image inconsistency occured.

    expire the image and import it again if require.

  • So, for some reason the header file exists (in EMM): p-linux_1414944720_FULL but the matching 'files file' (that contains list of files and folders ): p-linux_1414944720_FULL.f does not exist . Why would that be? Has anybody deleted anything manually? What made you run consistency check?
  • Hi Marianne,

    answering your questions

    Has anybody deleted anything manually?

    no, anybody deleted nothing

    What made you run consistency check?

    I have implemented a check due to a maintenance visit

    that procedure should be performed if the images are on disk?

  • You would have to expire and reimport images in question. Restore without .f file won't be possible.

    I've seen this once, but couldn't find what caused those files deletion.

  • Consistency check only checks NBU catalog on the master server. It confirms that the headers have matching .f files and that these files are not size 0 and are readable. Sometimes a header file is created when a backup is started, then consistency check is run before file list is created, resulting in this type of error. For this reason consistency check should only be run when no backups are running. It does not check anything on the backup storage.