Forum Discussion

Nuno_P_Silva's avatar
13 years ago

Deduplication Folder gone



I have a problem with one of mine media servers, the scenario is that i have CASO server and 11 media servers, all working well.... but in one of them the deduplication just dissapear from the devices ( the folder still there) the problem is that i can not do anything with him.

I've tried to unistall, reinstall... and nothing, still the same.

I've notice that if i remove the media server from the CASO, then i can see the deuplication again, but since i add again to the CASO server the deduplication option dissapear again.

I'm Using backup Exec 2010 R3 SP1, no upgrade... new installation i i'm getting out of ideas...

Seem that the database on CASO server has the information that that server as a deduplication folder but is offline

if i tried to add a deduplication folder says that already exists....

6 Replies

  • Hi Nunop,


    is this Dedupe In the CAS server or in any of the MMS server?

    what made it to disappear (patch update for backup exec, OS patch, server power failure)?

    backup should not be uninstalled just like that..

    Check the following

    Check the Dedupe engine and manager serbvice are running if not check for the postgres service running?



  • Hi,

    I have one CASO server and 11 media servers.

    8 servers with deduplication folder and all are running just fine, but just one that was working the dedup folder "dissapear", well it does not dissapear, just not able to see it is i have devices and media on CASO, if i select the option on beutil.exe "Move device and media data to managed media server" the dedupfolder appears, if i select "Move device and media data to central administration server" the deduplication folder dissapears and if i try to run a job, i can see the deuplication drive offline, but is not listed on devices... is strange.

    no windows update, no backup exec patch (all last on all servers), the power i dont know because is one branch office.

    i think that the device on "that" media server is offline on CASO DB...

    at the moment server is working with devices and media on managed media server and no problem, but i also use duplication jobs and that what is causing me problems.

    Thanks for quick answer



  • turning this upside down.. :( not a chance of getting this working...

    I'm considering change server name (media server) and start again... :(

    Any Ideas appreciated...
