Forum Discussion

mli7777's avatar
Level 5
11 years ago

Delete Backup Exec. logs automatically ?

I have a client running Exchange on the same server as BE.   The C: drive got so full that the email quit letting external email come in.

While looking for where a bunch of the space was I found the folder (C:\program files\Symantec\Backup Exec\logs) had over 13 gig of log files.

Is there a way to purge files based on date or anything for this ??



  • Have you ever had to troubleshoot any Exchange GRT restore issues?? the reason i ask is that when doing so it is often requested that EWS debugging be enabled.. This is normally disabled once the issue is resolved because if left on it will continue to generate very large logs... Please verify by looking Inside Debug Monitor, under tools\Settings dialog, select Job Engine & Remote Agent on the left. Then verify that Enable Job Engine and Remote Agent Debug outside of SGMon is not selected. If it is then please unselect it. Also under regedit browse to HKLM\Software\Symantec\Backup Exec for Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Logging

    - Look for the DWORD Value names:

       EnableEWSDebug and CreateEWSTrace


    If present verify that the values for both are set to 0


    if you have to make adjustment to the values of either of the DWORD names you would need to restart the server.. Please report as to whether or not these values were present and active on your Exchange/Media server. The following document is for you review in reard to EWS debuging.


6 Replies

  • Have you ever had to troubleshoot any Exchange GRT restore issues?? the reason i ask is that when doing so it is often requested that EWS debugging be enabled.. This is normally disabled once the issue is resolved because if left on it will continue to generate very large logs... Please verify by looking Inside Debug Monitor, under tools\Settings dialog, select Job Engine & Remote Agent on the left. Then verify that Enable Job Engine and Remote Agent Debug outside of SGMon is not selected. If it is then please unselect it. Also under regedit browse to HKLM\Software\Symantec\Backup Exec for Windows\Backup Exec\Engine\Logging

    - Look for the DWORD Value names:

       EnableEWSDebug and CreateEWSTrace


    If present verify that the values for both are set to 0


    if you have to make adjustment to the values of either of the DWORD names you would need to restart the server.. Please report as to whether or not these values were present and active on your Exchange/Media server. The following document is for you review in reard to EWS debuging.


  • Very cool and great catch.

    I didn't have the reg entries but the above mentioned inside the Debug Monitor was turned on.

    So I turned it off and will be watching the logs to see if they grow anymore now.

    Thanks much !!


  • Very cool... Please do keep us updated... 

    Note .. you could browse to the log location and verify the size of the logs to confirm that these logs are what it is that is occupying the space... the debug logs can be deleted... provided you are not currently troubleshooting any other issue. 


    The logs are created under -
    BE Server - Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Logs
    Remote servers - Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\RAWS\Logs
    The following logs create a new file each time BE services restart/debug is turned on:
    The following logs append (single log file):
  • Hi,

    Set the Exchange Writers logging level to "Expert"  so that Exchange reflects every detail of the Writers operation. See for details

    a) Check that the Replication is working properly among the Exchange Mailbox servers. (If you use DAG)

    b) To prevent the log drive from filling up with transaction logs, you can remove the affected passive database copy instead of suspending it.

    Related Tech Article :

    c) Also Try Backing up Without AOFO

    Related Tech Article :

  • Seems much better with logging turned off while you aren't using it and don't need it.  :)

    So going to mark that as the solution.

    Thanks for the help.
