Deleting files
I receive the following warning a couple of times a week. I have two media servers both running the same OS and BE versions. BE is updated with the current patches on both media servers, but this warning only shows up on one.
An unknown application is deleting files from the following folder:
Files contained in this folder are used by Backup Exec, and deleting them may cause Backup Exec processes to crash. Determine which application is accessing the folder and add the folder to the application's exclusion list.
I have followed the recommendations as per this post and still received the warning: . Opened a case with Symantec. Technician had me exclude C:\ProgramData\Symantec\ and C:\Program Files\Symantec\ from the anti-virus. These exclusions were up one directory level from the recommendations from the previosly mentioned post and also included all sub-directories. I am still receiving the warning. I got one yesterday at 4:18 PM and one this morning at 8:41 AM.
Did you follow this TN below when putting in AV exclusions?