Forum Discussion

JJ's avatar
Level 4
11 years ago

deleting old backups from d2d

Greetings, Ive made a tape duplicate of an old d2d main backup to save space and now i need to get rid of the d2d copy. Im guessing its not as simple as deleting the virtual tapes or is it? and wha...
  • CraigV's avatar
    11 years ago



    Don't delete off the D2D itself. Rather navigate to the files within BE itself and erase the files. Once done, if the files haven't been deleted, you can do so.


  • Kunal_Mudliyar1's avatar
    11 years ago


    I am thinking you are backing up to a VTL and it has duplicated the data to a physical tape

    To save space you have to simply erase the tape using an erase job

    If you have appended the virtual tape after duplicating it to teh physical tape all the data appended is at a loss.


    either wait for the appended data to be expired or erase the Virtual tape and regain your precious space!