Forum Discussion

LicVoiceIT's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Different tape names


Our customers' backup sometimes fails and sometimes works.

We've done some research and we saw the problem they have.

If we put a tape in the drive that is called 'ONEVEN - WOENSDAG' (is a dutch name voor uneven - wednesday) if we run a inventory the Devicestab shows it's a different name 'MAART' (is a dutch name voor March). If i open the job log of the inventory it shows 'ONEVEN - WOENSDAG'.

Is this some kind of a bug? We've ran liveupdate and the tapedrive is patched to the newest level.

Kind regards,

Voice IT

2 Replies

  • Did you manually rename the tape? (Using the rename option in the Media section of the BE console)


    If you used the rename operation then the new labels may not take effect in all locations until after an ovewrite or erase is performed . However the label operation (found in the Devices section of the BE console) should take effect straight away.

  • Hi,


    If you're not on BE 2010 R3, upgrade to this and install BE 2010 R3 SP1 either via LiveUpdate or a manual installation. Run LU again to download the latest DDI package (and any other fix that might have been released) and push-install the updates out to remote servers. This takes you to the latest version, but more specifically, the latest version of the drive package. If there are any issues with the drivers, this should, in effect, fix it.

    Once done, retry what you're trying to accomplish. If this doesn't work, look at reparing the BEDB using BEutility, and reply back with an update.

