Forum Discussion

DPeaco's avatar
9 months ago

SLP Policy Name List


Is there a way to dump a list of SLP Policies that are activated via command line and NOT through the GUI?

I'm wanting to automate a way to make sure the job scheduler is running AND that all SLP Policies from a specific list is case anyone forgets to activate the SLP policies after system maintenance.

  • Check this out. It is a quick and dirty script, but it may help you.

    for i in `nbstl -b`
      a=`nbstl $i -L |grep State |head -1|awk '{print $2}'`
      echo $i," "$a

  • Check this out. It is a quick and dirty script, but it may help you.

    for i in `nbstl -b`
      a=`nbstl $i -L |grep State |head -1|awk '{print $2}'`
      echo $i," "$a

    • DPeaco's avatar


      Thank You very much! This is what I was hoping to achieve. I just didn't go "deep enough" into the commands and switches to get the end result. Very helpful!!! 

  • All SLPs are active for backups. You probably need a list of SLPs with inactive secondary operations.

    try the command "nbstl -l"
    this command will list the name of the SLP and some flags on the same line. If the second to last column is:

    • 0x0 then the SLP is active for secondary operations
    • 0x8 then the SLP is inactive for secondary operations
    • may be other flags as well

    The tests I run was on a master server with duplications only. Do tests and check the output of the command if you have replications.

    There is another way to get inactive SLPs using the command "nbstlutil report."
    The output of the command lists all SLPs that have pending secondary operations and whether they are active or not. The only problem here is that it will not list inactive SLPs without pending duplications.

    • DPeaco's avatar


      Thanks for the info. I see what you are talking about and Yes....I'm looking for SLP policy names and to check if the secondary operations are active or not. Sorry for not including that detail.

      The good thing is that NBU has that info in it's databases. The hard part is getting the Name and State of just the SLP policy out of said DB's in a format that's meaningful for the backup admins. I ran the "nbstl -l" and I got about 200 lines of output that took me a bit to sort out what I was wanting to find in all that output. What I want to automate is a process that goes and gets a list of SLP policies and check for active/inactive secondary operations and if more that 20% of the SLP policies are inactive? I want to trigger a critical support ticket to my team for alerting purposes. My other thought is to automate the process to activate the secondary operations for any SLP policy that is set to inactive status for an after business hours health/status check.