Forum Discussion

MGJ's avatar
Level 2
9 years ago

Disk Storage Missing


    I have a Backup Exec 2014 running on a windows server 2008 r2 platform with 1 CASO(physical) server and 14 MMS.

    One of my MMS server(virtual) is using B2D storage seagate external HDD attached to it. Total of 2 seagate HDD attached but unfortunately one of the disk storage was missing in the BE console but i can see the drive in my computer as well as in the device manger.

    Is it possible that B2D storage is missing in the BE console? Should i reconfigure it? 

    If I reconfigure the disk will the backup sets remain intact and not be deleted?

    Another question is, how to reconfigure a disk? 



  • How is the HDD attached to the virtual server?  If it is not using iSCSI, then the attachment is not supported.

  • ...Veritas have very strict rules when it comes to running a media server as a VM, and using something like SCSI passthrough for instance to access a real device like a tape drive or external storage wouldn't be supported.

    Read below:

    Accessing a USB device might not actually be supported, and as such, you're going to run into a number of issues. Veritas themselves will probably not assist past the very basics of troubleshooting your issue.

    Best bet is to target an iSCSI LUN presented from some sort of storage like a NAS or an array, or, if you have access to disk on an array, present a VMFS volume (if using VMware for instance) large enough to act as a B2D. This would be seen as a local drive and part of the VM when moving between hosts etc.


8 Replies

  • How is the HDD attached to the virtual server?  If it is not using iSCSI, then the attachment is not supported.

  • ...Veritas have very strict rules when it comes to running a media server as a VM, and using something like SCSI passthrough for instance to access a real device like a tape drive or external storage wouldn't be supported.

    Read below:

    Accessing a USB device might not actually be supported, and as such, you're going to run into a number of issues. Veritas themselves will probably not assist past the very basics of troubleshooting your issue.

    Best bet is to target an iSCSI LUN presented from some sort of storage like a NAS or an array, or, if you have access to disk on an array, present a VMFS volume (if using VMware for instance) large enough to act as a B2D. This would be seen as a local drive and part of the VM when moving between hosts etc.


  • But we've been using this storage for almost a year now. Other MMS with this kind of set up doesn't encounter the said issue that's why i'm wondering why this specific server has a missing B2D storage.


  • If your connection is not supported, it can fail any time.  Nobody can tell you why because it has not been tested.

  • I used to support a client who had something similar. The decision was made (without my advice being taken into account) to have a virtual BE 2010 R3 server connected to an HP StorageWorks MSL2024 G3 tape library to save costs on a physical media server.

    Issues such as:

    * No VMotion of the VM possible at all;

    * tape drive dropping out of Windows necessitating unnecessary restarts of the host;

    * Total lack of support from Symantec (at that stage)

    The client ended up moving onto something else and backing up to disk instead.

    Point here is that unless you have a supported solution Veritas don't have to give you full support. Also, if something works in an unsupported design and breaks, it's going to break badly. The advice to get a physical server stands, alternatively provisioning disk from an array via iSCSI or VMFS would be better.


  • As Craig has advised we do not officially test with Passthrough connectivity against SCSI, FC or USB into a VM which does mean such a configuration is classified as an Alternative Configuration - which means you have to prove to us the problem exists on a physicial server for us to look into it. (full definition in our compatibility list documents) As your CASO server is physical can you connect one of thse drives to the CASO and see if the CASO has the same issues when running backups to it?

    Note: Customers that have tried SCSI and FC passthrough against tape have definitely had problems. Up until this point I am not sure we have seen any issues with USB passthrough (and in fact I unofficially have a USB attached RDX drive that has been working in the past) but that does not mean  problems could not occur (different revisions/patches of ESX, operating system components inside the VM and drivers inside the VM could easily change the behaviour)


    At the time these drives go offline in Backup Exec, are there any event log messages (in either application or system logs) that do not come from Backup Exec but that do indicate issues with drives/hardware? It is possible that the disks did go offline in the OS but the connection issue was brief and re-established itself before you started to review the fault. Hence both BE and the OS  lost the connection, but the OS eventually got it back.



  • But i was wondering, how come in my other MMS i am not encountering the issue.

    I again tried to reconfigure the STU but i am getting this error message: 


    I am suspecting that the STU was hidden, i even edit the registry "DWORD ShowHiddenMedia = 1" still it didn't work.


  • It doesn't matter. While it may work on a few machines, it might not work elsewhere. It is unsupported, and as such, the expected failure is going to be completely random too.
