Forum Discussion

Susan_Baier's avatar
18 years ago

Does the SQL Agent for 10.d backup MSSQL properly?

I want to verify that 10.d sql agent backs up MSSQL. The vendor I was going to purchase this from stated he wasn't sure it worked properly on MSSQL. He said it worked fine with SQL 2000.

4 Replies

  • Excuse me for being thick, but what's the difference? To my understanding MSSQL and SQL 2000 are both just different ways of referring to Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (which yes, the SQL agent does back up it properly).

    Or did you mean MySQL instead of MSSQL?
  • No, it won't back up MySQL.
    I would think that if you used the Advanced Open File Option then you could backup the MySQL data files.
    Another way of doing the backup might be to have a script stop the MySQL server before the backup and restart it afterwards.
    Or you might set up a scheduled job to dump the MySQL data each night, and back that up.