Duplication options
I can't find any information on this.
I can see a description of Duplicate options here, Backup Exec 21.3 Help (veritas.com).
For Source, it says "All Backups", "Most Recent Full Backup", and "Selected Backups".
I understand what "Most Recent Full Backup" does, but what is the timeframe for "All Backups" and "Selected Backups"?
Do "All Backups" and "Selected Backups" backup from the last time they were ran, or do they backup everything everything?
All Backups - all primary sets ( full, diff, Incremental) since last duplicate.
Example - Full1, Diff1, Incremental1 followed by Incremental2 and then Full2 was run --> All these sets would be duplicatedSelected backup - depending on what is selected Full or Incremental or both, all these sets will be duplicated which have run post the last duplicate
Example - Lets say, Full was selected in above setting then if Full1, Incremental1, Full2 was run. Then duplicate with Full selected will duplicate only Full1 and Full2. If Incremental is only selected then only the incremental get duplicated. If both are selected then Full1, Incre1, Incre2 followed by Full2, Incremental22 ran, then all these sets will get duplicated if these were run since last duplicate.
Hope it helps.