Forum Discussion

Michael_Hebbron's avatar
12 years ago

e0000f04 - The media server could not connect to the remote computer.

Hi All


I seem to be have a strange error on one of my backup servers within my enviroment.

In the evenings we are getting the below error when the backups are scheduled to run.

Error category    : Resource Errors
Error             : e0000f04 - The media server could not connect to the remote computer. The remote computer may not be running the Backup Exec 
Remote Agent for Windows/Linux. Make sure that the correct version of the Remote Agent is installed and running on the target computer.

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-3844


I have done what has been advised and installed all the agents again with no success.


But strangely if I manually run the job during the day it will complete 100% with no errors.


Any help will be greatly appreciated

  • Thanks Michael...try running a repair of the BEDB. Then reschedule the job for earlier and check to see if it runs.


10 Replies

  • ...what happens if you schedule the job to start a bit earlier? Does it complete? If so, are there any maintenance jobs running during the time of the backup job that the RAWS agent crashes?

    That job should crash all the time if the job was corrupted...

  • Hi


    At first I thought there was a fault with not enough ports being available at the time of backup.

    So what i did was move the biggest backup forward by 2 hours and pushed the smaller backups by an hour of their original time. But still getting the same error

  • Check the following
    1) on the remote server, check that the remote agent service is running.  Also check the Windows Eventlog for any remote agent service failures.
    2) open the remote agent utility and make sure that it is publishing correctly to the media server
    3) make sure that you can ping from the media server to the remote server and vice-versa
    4) make sure that there is no firewall blocking port 10000
    5) on the remote server, check that there are no other applications using port 10000.
  • Hi Craig


    I have changed the times as suggested and the jobs failed once more with the same error.

    I ran the backups manually this morning  and they ran perfectly.

    I have also double checked to see if there are any maintenance jobs running at that time but there are none.

    The only maintenance job ran at 04:00 am this morning




    I have checked the remote agent and it is running in fact to be double sure I removed it and re-installed it.

    I also checked the publishing and all looks in order.


    I dont see the firewall blocking port 10000 or that its being used by another application. But I have just asked our symantec anti virus admin to double check for me.

    I am able to ping the servers from both sides.

  • Thanks Michael...try running a repair of the BEDB. Then reschedule the job for earlier and check to see if it runs.


  • Pinging is not good enough.  You should check that you can telnet from the media server to the remote server using port 10000.

  • Hi All

    After running a repair on the database and changing the times on the servers it seems like one of my backup jobs ran with no error last night. For the jobs that failed I will start the biggest backup first and then the second largest backup an hour behind that and as follows for the next 3 backups.


    I will let you know how it runs tonight.


    Thank you very much for the help again guys much appreciated

  • Hi Craig

    That seems to have helped.

    As some of the jobs are going through.


    Although I have noticed that the backup services are now stopping at certain points of the day.

    But for that if we cant repair I will raise a new forum.


    Thanks all very much for your help