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Smiley_Mak's avatar
Level 4
18 years ago

email notification not sending after job completed but test message sent out without problem

Good morning,

I have went though archive and did a posting before however, the answers didn't help my situation.

SBS2003 PE, Backup Exec 9.1, the email notifications had been working fine for months/years, with hiccup at times. This time, it just had not been sending at all for over 2 weeks. I have sent test message to various receiptients, all received the test message without problem but just not getting the actual one. Then I have recreated the job. I have deselected and reselected the email notifications. None of the above work when the job finished and again, not having problem in sending test message. I have check the alerts message on Backup Exec, I have checked on the Event Views, non give any clue as to what might go wrong.  What I am not doing right ?

24 Replies

  • Something else within the communications channel might be causing the relay issue other than the BE server. You might try this test:
    This might not necessarily work (based on your network topology) but I would setup a new recipient to an external email address outside of the domain, such as a hotmail account that you have access to. Setup and run a small backup job. If you have a SPAM firewall this would be ideal (we are using a Barracuda SPAM Firewall 300). The firewall logs all incoming and outbound emails, great for tracking purposes! Otherwise, you might be able to open up the Exchange System Manager and go into the queues for the appropriate Exchange server and see if you have a backlog of outbound (or internal) email messages sitting in there. You could also go under the Tools section and Email Message Tracking, enter the Sender and Server information and try to Find any emails from your Media Server.
    For example: I use as the default sender from BE Server, in Exchange message tracking I enter that full email address into the sender field. MYEXCHANGE1 into the server field, change the date range if necessary.
    You could even do the tracking for the Test Notification message to see that Exchange passes the message along.
    I know this might be directing away from the actual problem but atleast you can be sure that Exchange has nothing to do with the intermittent notification ordeal. Besides that, I am running out of ideas on this issue!
    >>Maybe someone else has some insight as to which process/service is responsible for sending the smtp email message on the media server to the mail server.
    If you haven't restarted the media server in quite some time you might try stopping all the BE services as well any MSSQL$BKUPEXEC service, then restarting them all. The only reason I mention this is because I use to have problems with beserver.exe and bengine.exe plus the SQL service running the cpu up to 100% and even with stopping the first two services, the SQL service would still pump the cpu up to 100% utilization.
    Good Luck!

    Message Edited by Mike Kehm on 07-09-200701:35 PM

  • Morning Mike,

    Now you mentioned about the spam and exchange. Yes, I have done that as well.

    The client has symantec AV and Spam, I have check on quarantine message for the email address responsible for sending out email from BE. Non find.

    I don't know how to check message on the exchange server but had change the smtp send through our mail server and have been checking for any message from that email address. Found nothing in the reject log or mainlog.

    The server had been restart about a month ago. Nothing seems to make sense at all.
  • Success (at least for the moment).  I thought I had tried this before, but can't recall.  Email notifications were set at both the job level and category level.  Yesterday, without recreating anything, I simply removed them at the job level and I got alerts last night.
    Thanks for the tip
  • Here are a few issues I have not seen mentioned.
    If SMTP, under SMTP configuration try leaving the Sender Name field blank and only use the Sender Address field. 
    If you are using SMTP notifications, has the setting for Annoymous email under protocol been changed?  If so, it may be looking for authentication before allowing the notification in.
    Also, with SMTP, if you are testing with Outlook Express with an exchange server that has been rebooted make sure the Pop3 service has restarted.  It is disabled by default, so if someone turned it to manual and rebooted the server it may not be running. 
    Netsend recipients are tied to the Messenger service, so make sure that is on for all servers involved.
    A very likely culprit can be the option to limit notifications sent to each recipient.  That is a "circuit breaker" and is easily set incorrectly.  With that set incorrectly, you could have situations that clear up after many days, send a few notifications, then be blocked for many days again...  If in doubt on to how to setup the feature, disable it.  This option is located on the recipient properties screen.  If you do have it set, be sure to check the setting for "Reset" so notifications will begin again.
    Also, be sure the account you are using actually has rights to a mailbox and that mailbox is not hidden.
    As stated above in another post, also recycle the BE services.

    Message Edited by D B on 07-11-200710:38 AM