Forum Discussion

admin_bkp007's avatar
6 months ago

Send Email Notification Doesn't Work

Hey Guys, I need help.

I already read the documentation but I don't know what I missing.


Netbackup IT Analytics, version 11.3, I can do telnet on my smtp server on port 25 and setting all fields for send email.

But when I try to send any type of email, report or whatever is display message like my print call error.

Any log can I check please? Anyone can help me? thanks in advanced.


  • admin_bkp007  based on your logs, it appears its trying to use localhost and not your external SMTP/MTA system..  Did you restart services after you made the system configuration changes?

8 Replies

  • admin_bkp007  based on your logs, it appears its trying to use localhost and not your external SMTP/MTA system..  Did you restart services after you made the system configuration changes?

  • Dude thanks a lot, after restart services aptare (systemclt restart aptare) everything is good now, thanks a lot.

  • Thanks for the answer, unfortunately I don't have any recently log in this folder, when I try send email don't display nothing in this folder, I really don't know what is happen, but I'm keeping seraching.

  • Thanks about your tip.

    After enable verbose was possible see error message, I gonna check with my network team.

    14 Feb 2024 11:24:42,545 ERROR - {MDC_DISCRIMINATOR_PARTS=#framework###true, MDC_PID=3234, mdc_key=scheduled/framework} - Couldn't connect to host, port: localhost, 25; timeout -1
    14 Feb 2024 11:24:42,545 ERROR - {MDC_DISCRIMINATOR_PARTS=#framework###true, MDC_PID=3234, mdc_key=scheduled/framework} - Failed to transmit email: Internal error occurred while sending the email. Please contact your administrator.Couldn't connect to host, port: localhost, 25; timeout -1
    14 Feb 2024 11:24:42,545 ERROR - {MDC_DISCRIMINATOR_PARTS=#framework###true, MDC_PID=3234, mdc_key=scheduled/framework} - Error Occurred in rpc call Type '' was not included in the set of types which can be serialized by this SerializationPolicy or its Class object could not be loaded. For security purposes, this type will not be serialized.: instance = Internal error occurred while sending the email. Please contact your administrator.Couldn't connect to host, port: localhost, 25; timeout -1

  • Checked with my network team, I'm able to do telnet on port 25.

    I tryed send email report and display in log same thing, I think is a problem about some settings in IT Analytics, but I don't see nothing wrong, any ideas will be appreciatte.thanks.