Forum Discussion

568415290's avatar
Level 3
20 years ago

Error "0xa0008488 - Zugriff verweigert"

I am backup files from a Windows 2003 Server and restore to a Windows NT4 Server. I get the error message "0xa0008488 - Zugriff verweigert" but all files are restored.


3 Replies

  • Hi,

    Kindly check whether the user account with which you are performing restore is having administrative rights on the system being restored.

    It is recommended that the User account have Domain administrator rights.

    Hope this helps.
  • In reference to our previous reply to your post, we would request you to update us on the progress.

    However, if we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked "assumed answered"and would be moved to "answered questions"pool.
  • As per our previous reply, marking the case as "assumed answered" and moving it to "answered questions" pool.