Forum Discussion

alpo56's avatar
Level 3
13 years ago

Error de instalación de Backup Exec 11D

Durante la instalación, después de selecionar SQL Express, me pide que indique la carpeta del instalador SQL Express 2005 SP1. 

He probado con la versión inglesa y española del archivo de instalación de SQL, pero siempre me da el mismo error: 

¿A qué se debe? No me permite seguir con la instalación sin éste paso. 


Muchas gracias

  • Try this KB as well -

6 Replies

  • Hi,


    I take it you're running into issues installing SQL Express?

    If so, try the following:

    1. Stop the AV running on the server and disable it.

    2. Run the installation again. If it completes, great...

    3. If not, try copying the SQL Express installation folder to a local drive. Once done, run the SQL Express installation, and once it completes, then run the Backup Exec installation.

    4. Start up the AV services again.



    EDIT: You can also download the Microsoft MSI cleanup utility. Run that and see if there are any SQL installations on that server, and if so (and if they are NOT in use), uninstall them with the utility. Then try running the application again.

    Also, make sure the account being used to install the application is a local admin, and that the account that will be used for the BESA is a domain admin.

  • Hi, 

    I'm having issues installing Backup Exec, when it asks me where is the installation file of SQL Express SP1. 

    I select the file, but Symantec popup a message where says that "this is not a valid SQL Express SP1  installation file. 


    I have tried your solution and it dosn't work. 



  • this a new installation, or a reinstallation? SQL Express 2005 SP1 never shipped with BE 11d as far as I know...

    If it is a new installation, check to see if SQL Express is already installed. If you don't need it for anything else, remove it...then try the installation of BE again.

    Lastly...any particular reason for install BE 11d, and not a newer version like BE 2010 R3 or BE 2012?

  • Sorry, I didn't see your edit of the first reply... Monday I will try if it works.

    It's a change of BE server. Some time ago it was on this server. Then we changed to another server, and now the objective is to use this server again, so, it's a reinstall. When it works, we will uninstall from the other server and use only one. 

    The reason to use the BE11 because the company doesn't want to pay another licence... :(









  • Try this KB as well -