Forum Discussion

SPSAdmins's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Error When Restoring Individual Mailbox

I have problem when restoring individual mailbox using backup exec 2010 R3 SP2 (exchange 2010) . When i restoring individual mailbox , i got an error like this picture below


I do searching how to resolve the issue like :

1. Check user credential when backup the exchange database like the member must be "Organization Management" , "Domain Admins" , "Server Management" and " Exchange Server". and also member of local administrator groups

2. User account that the backup exec use is BESA and Default account and Member type is Common, also as System Logon Account.

3. I already enable the GRT for supporting active restoring individual mailbox restore.

4. Exchange Management Tools installed on Backup Exec Server and all patches so the version is exactly same as Exchange server.

5. I already reinstall the remote agent on each exchange servers.


is there any solution for my problem? please help.....i'm so panic >.<

  • ...a GRT backup to tape will always stage to disk. There is no way around this.

    GRT backups to disk are on disk already so no staging takes place.


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