Forum Discussion

Michael_Rieger's avatar
19 years ago

Event ID 33808 in EventViewer

we are doing a B2D but sometimes we get the following Event Message:

An error occurred while processing a B2D command.
Drive: ReadFMTable() SFMB Not Found (Z:\VERITAS\B2D\B2D000032.bkf). Error=13

There is a USB HDD plugged. Veritas BackupExec Version 10.0 Rev. 5520

Does somebody have a idea ?

Greetings from Germany,

1 Reply

  • Hello,

    Does the drive appear as offline in the devices tab within Backup exec? Refer to the following technote which might be helpful:

    Title: When running a job to a Backup-to-Disk folder, an alert appears stating: "The Backup-to-Disk folder is offline."

    If the issue persists, revert with details.

    Note : If we do not receive your reply within two business days, this post would be marked ‘assumed answered’ and would be moved to ‘answered questions’ pool.
