Forum Discussion

stever3901's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Exchange and SQL Backups Not working after SP2

I just installed SP2 and my SQL and Exchange backups no longer work.  When I try to create a new job I notice that the SQL selections and the exchange selections are missing.  I can only do a file level backup.   Exchange is Server 2003 with all the latest updates.  SQL versions are 2005 and 2008.  I see the agents are still showing licensed.  Any ideas what the problem may be?





  • After installing SP2 and rebooting the media server did you repush the remote agents

10 Replies

  • After installing SP2 and rebooting the media server did you repush the remote agents

  • Steve, log a call with Symantec...not sure if SP2 can be uninstalled or not and it might be something they need to look at.

    Please report back here with how they helped fix this...


  • Steve.. 


          I am going to message you my contact information. Please email me the failing job log for review... Additionally please remove and reinstall the agent for applications and databases then attempt to browse and view the resourses.. Report result

  • Ok i'll give that a try.  


    here is the error

    Final error: 0xe000942a - Backup Exec did not find any resources to include in the backup. Check the backup selections for this job to make sure it includes resources that are available for backup.
    Final error category: System Errors
    For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-37930
  • ...see if the TN below helps:


  • Ok i just go around to trying reinstalling the agent for applications and databases.  That fixed it!  Glad it was something simple.

    Thanks for the help!



  • ...please remark Donald's first post as the solution. It was his suggestion that has helped you find the solution.


  • Awesome Steve.. Glad to here that the issue was resolved... 


    .... Thanks CraigVsmiley