Forum Discussion

Leon_Baradat's avatar
11 years ago

Exchange Backup Agent - Exchange 2003 to 2010 migration

We are currently running BE 2010 R3 on a Server 2008 machine, with Exchange 2003 running on Server 2003.  We will be migrating to Exchange 2010 on a Server 2012 machine.  We back up Exchange with the Exchange Agent.

My question is, do we need to do anything special as re. the Exchange Agent?  I would assume we delete the current policy for backing up the Exchange Information Store, remove the Backup Agent from the Exchange 2003 machine, install it on the Exchange 2010 machine, then recreate the policy to run the backup.  Is that correct, or are there better ways to do it?

  • Yes, all requirements listed will need to be met.

    The most common requirement I see in support that is overlooked, is the requirement to have the Exchange Management Tools installed on the Backup Exec Server, which is crucial when restoring GRT data for Exchange 2010.

4 Replies

  • Leon,

    Once the migration to Exchange 2010 is complete you will want to create a new backup definition.

    There are also several other things you may want to take into account. Exchange 2010 has more requirements than earlier versions that need to be met. I would recommend reviewing the documents below to confirm you are meeting those requirements, rights and permissions.

    Minimal Permissions required for Backing Up Microsoft Exchange 2010 and Microsoft Exchange 2013:

    Requirements for using the Exchange Agent:

  • That makes sense, having to rebuild the Exchange backups from scratch.  That should be pretty straightforward.

    The first article describes how to give minimal (ie, limited) permissions for security purposes in larger organizations.  We're a smaller organization without strict security requirements for our backup regimen; is there a need for us to follow the Minimum Permissions document for this migration?

  • Yes, all requirements listed will need to be met.

    The most common requirement I see in support that is overlooked, is the requirement to have the Exchange Management Tools installed on the Backup Exec Server, which is crucial when restoring GRT data for Exchange 2010.

  • Just to add, the EMT is 64-bit, so the media server needs to be a 64-bit machine