Forum Discussion

J_Peralta's avatar
Level 4
18 years ago

Exchange restore job - Unable to attach to a resource

(using 11d on Server 2003 R2)

When running a restore operation (trying to restore an individual e-mail or mailbox) from a disk backup of Exchange, I get this error every time:

Job ended: Wednesday, July 11, 2007 at 3:21:19 PM
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe000848c - Unable to attach to a resource.  Make sure that all selected resources exist and are online, and then try again.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33932


1. It happens when I use either of these backup options: “Enable the restore of individual mail messages and folders from information store backups” or “Enable legacy mailbox support

2. “Automatically recreate user accounts and mailboxes” is checked in the main options under “Job defaults”

3. “Enable the restore of individual mail messages and folders from Information store backups” is checked in the settings of the job.

4. I'm using a domain account for the login and it is the default system logon account on all backup jobs and is common on all servers.  Additionally the domain admins are a member of local admins on each machine.

5. The password works because it is working on all other servers and backup and restore jobs.  I've tested the credentials in the restore and the test is successful.

6. The exchange server is connected to the network and the remote agent is working.  I just ran the backup 10 minutes before trying the restore.  I've also tried restarting the remote agent a few times.

7. the backup is just to backup the Mailbox store under the information store and is set to do a backup method of “Full – Databse & logs (flush committed logs)

Things I've tried:
I’ve tried this with both the default system logon account (domain admin) and I created a separate account called "backupexec" and tried it with it also.
1.    Both have exchange mailboxes, I’ve logged into them both on a spare machine, setup outlook and both have opened other users’ mailboxes.
2.    I’ve made the new account a member of local admins, domain admins (existing account is already a member of both.)  I’ve tried adding exchange admins to the new account.  
3.    I’ve tried running backups with both accounts credentials (entered in both the logon tab of the service and when running the backup & restore operations as the service logon account) The backup ran fine, but the restore did not work and produced the error mentioned above.
4.    Both users have been delegated authority in Exchange system manager to be Full Exchange Administrators and full rights have been granted to both accounts from the Exchange organization on down to the mailbox store.

I am having no problem running backups, or restoring things that aren't exchange items.  Only exchange items give this error.  I’ve looked through this forum and tried most everything until I almost went cross-eyed.  I appreciate anyone who has any help whatsoever.  Thanks in advance.


6 Replies

  • Which Exchange server version are you using?
    Are there multiple exchange servers in your organization?  If so, and the target is Exchange 2007, does the backup user mailbox reside on the Exchange 2007 server?
    Do you haev Outlook installed on the Backup Exec services?  If not, install it and restart all BE services and retry the restore job.
    Is it possible the mailbox for your backup operators are in a mailbox store which is offline? 
    Are the backup operator mailboxes hidden?
    If this is Exchange 2007, do you have the correct version of CDO and management tools installed?
  • Hey D B,

    - Exchange 2003 w/sp2
    - Only 1 exchange server, (the backup users mailbox is on this server)
    - No I don't have Outlook installed on the services.  I'm a little confused as to how to install it on the services.  I'm assuming it was just a typo and you just mean to install it on the backup server.  At any rate, I'll do that and see if that does the trick
    - We're just using standard edition of exchange so there is just one mailbox store.
    - no, backup operator mailboxes aren't hidden

    I'll try to install Outlook on the server and let you know.  If you mean something different, please let me know

    Thanks for the input, my teeth hurt from grinding out of frustration.  I've noticed you posting alot lately and you seem to have a good amount of knowledge in the Exchange dept.

    Thanks again,

  • When you run the resore run SGMON.exe on the media server, it is located in Program files\Symantec\Backup Exec
    This is a live debug that may point out the real error, making it easier to correct.

    Message Edited by Patty on 07-12-200709:54 AM

  • Yeah, I meant to install it on the server, spell check must have changed an error and if it suggested service I probably just hit change.  :)
    I try to help with Exchange issues when I have the time. 


    Message Edited by D B on 07-12-200709:58 AM

  • DB -
    Ok, I installed outlook 2003 restarted the services (and the server eventually) and still no dice.  Same error.  By this time, I'm quite angry.  In the interest of doublechecking, I opened up the account in ADU&C and come to find out that the account is hidden from the GAL!!  I'm Fuming by now because at some point in the past 2 days a co-worker had hidden the admin from the GAL (not knowing that it restricts certain things).  Needless to say, this co-worker will now have reduced privledges. 

    Thanks for the info and the assistance.  The restore works fine now and I've got a better backup strategy between info from this thread and the other about transaction logs. 

    Patty -
    Thanks for the tip.  From now on if I have a problem with things, I'll try that first and hopefully solve the problem on my own.

    Thanks to both of you,

    Message Edited by J Peralta on 07-12-200701:48 PM

  • J,
    That's why I mentioned the hidden mailbox, sometimes a co worker changes it or it was selected by accident.