Forum Discussion

Steve_Peters's avatar
20 years ago

Failed backups error 0008703

I have a customer with 2003 SBS with Veritas 9.1 ver. They are a small company with about 18 users. They are doing a full backup each day. They started getting errors and the backup would not work. The comptoller ended up erasing the old backup job. I used the wizard to make a new backup job, but it does not work either. There media has been ok, but the error shows no media online. I have looked at doc 263679, but that does not give me any new information. Is there an easy document to guide you through setting backup from scratch? I have looked at the manuals and thought I set it up correctly, but it still does not work. Help

1 Reply

  • Hi,

    Are you getting this error during test run?

    This error usually occurs when The backup device specified in the backup job is a "backup-to-disk-folder" that has not been written to before.

    Just try running a small overwrite backup job on the backup to disk folder and check the results.
    Once the backup to disk folder is been overwritten for the first time then you will be able to "Test Run" on it, there after.

    Additionally refer the following technote:

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