Forum Discussion

Barry_Greenaw1's avatar
12 years ago

Farewell Backup Exec...

...and Symantec.

After being a steadfast user of Backup Exec in all of its guises since the 90s, I have finally given up in exasperation. Backup Exec 2012 has been a nightmare for me and it is time to move to another product. I spent SEVEN hours yesterday on the phone to Symantec Licensing Support (God help anyone who has to deal with these morons) trying to sort out a licensing problem. Net result is I have an unusable product and I finally told them that I will be ditching their product forthwith.

Feel a lot better this morning and looking forward to evaluating other backup solutions! 

4 Replies

  • You must be the lucky one I heard about, 7 hrs, nice.  Here, I am at 60+hrs dealing with all sorts of messes with BE2012.

  • Holy Job Creation Batman...

    I went from one job policy using one selections list for all my servers that created 4 jobs (d,w,m,q) to needing to create a job for just my files for each server x4(d,w,m,q), a job just for SQL instances x4, a job just for Exchange x4.  And don't get me started on the 'simple scheduling.'  Life isn't simple, in what world did the developers think that this would actually work out better?!  The dev's took away our options which has caused a massive explosion in complexity for job creation.

    Doing the math, lets see, that is 4x4+3x4+1x4= 32 JOBS!!!!

    If they didn't take away our user control over the granular settings, it wouldn't be this complicated...

    GASP, and that is with only 4 servers...I don't want to even THINK about 100 servers, that is nearing the 800 jobs needing to be created.  What a mess.  I have more I could post, but I need to get these jobs setup.