Forum Discussion

oekosolve's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Fehlermeldung nicht genügend Online- oder Nearline-Medien vorhanden

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Ich habe den Auftrag erhalten mich mit dem Backup System der Firma auseinander zu setzen.

Nun erhalte ich eine Fehlermeldung bei der Software Symantec Backup Exec Verion 11.0 Rev.7170



- Eine Regel erstellt. mit dem Mediensatz "Wöchentlich" und der Funktion "An Medium anhängen oder überschreiben". Diese Regel soll jeweils am Samstag gestartet werden und durchlaufen. Dies ist auch ersichtlich in der Auftragsüberwachung. Statt durchzulaufen kommt "In der Warteschlaufe" dies dauerte über 57 Stunden, dann habe ich von Hand abgebrochen.

- Medien: Der Mediensatz Wöchentlich hat die Einstellung Überschreibschutzzeitraum 4 Wochen, Anhängezeitraum 5 Wochen. Damit müssten die letzten 4 Wochen gespeichert sein.

- Geräte: Da habe ich ein Backup-to-Disk Ordner erstellt "backup_woche" welcher auf eine USB Festplatte verweist und diese aktiviert. Die maximale Grösse für die Backup-to-disk-dateien habe ich nicht zugeordnet


Den Probelauf habe ich mal durchgeführt, dieser wird mit einer Fehlermeldung beendet. Das Ergebnis habe ich angehängt. Nun suche ich verzweifelt den nächsten Strohhalm, damit ich den Fehler lokalisieren kann. Mir ist die Software etwas zu umfangreich. Oder meine Kenntnisse noch zu klein.


Dankbar für jede Hilfe



10 Replies

  • Usually, this problem is due to the fact that the media is offline.  I would suggest that you define a B2D folder on your internal harddisk and target your job to this B2D folder.  If the job is successful, then there is sometime wrong with the B2D folder defined on the USB drive.  You would then have to make sure that the B2D folder is online and ready for use.

  • +1 to what pkh says. To add to this, the maximum size for the backup to disk files has been set to 500 GB. This is extreme. I would normally suggest you to try and get this down to some thing like 10 GB or so. The default is 4 GB.

  • Thanks both for you answer

    I have test it now with a lokal B2D folder. That will start with the backup. Why it does not start on the usb harddisk? Why the explorer from Windows I can surf on the disk. Why BackupExe dont work?

    The value for the maximum size I will reduce. Thanks

  • BE 11d is quite old and it may not support the disk that you using.  Check the HCL to see whether it is supported.

    You should also check that the disk is online to BE and working properly.  Try pausing and unpausing the B2D folder.

    It could also be that your USB disk is full.

  • The Link you have send. does not work at the moment. It is coming Gateway Timeout. I will see after lunch. If it works then. 

    What is HCL if I can ask?


    The rest I will test after Lunch thanks

  • HCL = Hardware Compatibility List

    If you are not sure of an acronym in forum, check my discussion below which is pinned to the top of the forum

    Your should also test the functionality of your disk, using B2Dtest.  See this document


  • Hello together

    I also face the same problem (not enough information in the online solution base). Unfortunately with another error message. I hope somebody can help me to find the answer on this error:

    Element \\ZH-VCTR01.vischer.intra\C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Catalogs\{C1946955-4B77-4336-BBD9-D4F3EB04E1EA}.ctg

    the explicit internet link is not working. The question I have is how can I find out which process it is?

    Thanks for help and best regards


  • The List with the HCL you have send is for Tape Drive, I use a standard usb hard disk drive. 2.7TB. It has only three folder. Day, Week and Year. The disk has more then 2TB free space. Or is there a different for Backup Exec?


    The software is B2DTest.exe has passed all. The CMD Windows is on the attachmend.

  • The HCL for BE 11d is mainly for tape drives because B2D is just starting at that stage.  As I said, BE 11d is very old and it does not support a lot of newer disk drive.  If you want to use the newer disks, you should think of upgrading to the latest version of BE.

    I use a standard usb hard disk drive. 2.7TB

    BE 11d definitely cannot handle such big disks.  I would suggest that you re-partition your disk and limit the partition sizes to 2TB or less.  Try again and report back on what is the result.

  • Thanks for the lot of answer. Me chef would change the software to a freeware tool, that will be easyer he think sorry.

    Thanks for all
