Forum Discussion

Jerry_Zhang's avatar
15 years ago

Final error: 0xe0008488 - Access is denied.

Our BE(10d) occurs one problem when it wants to backup oracle database via agent in schedule. ------------------------------------------Error Information ----------------------------------------------------------------- Backup- ORACLE_JINGJPOS01V-79-57344-33928 - Access is denied. Access denied to directory . Access is denied to Remote Agent. Check the login account for the specified device. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- So I checked the login account of oracle agent but not found any errors. The other oracle database backup was finished successfully with the same login account. All the oracle servers are in the one domain, and the login account is one domain user. BE can't backup database, but the files and folders in the same server are backuped fine. And I have testruned and Retried this job manually, they are done successfully. It's very strange. But Retry job has two errors: The Media Server was unable to connect to Remote Machine ORACLE_JINGJPOS01. The Media Server will fall back on the local agent to try and complete the operation. Could you give me some sugguestion? ----------------------------------------Retry Job Information------------------------------------------------------------------ Job Log for d09 - Micros Hot backup Job Completion Status Job ended: Saturday, May 15, 2010 at 8:13:05 AM Completed status: Successful Job Operation - Backup Media operation - append. Hardware compression enabled. The Media Server was unable to connect to Remote Machine ORACLE_JINGJPOS01. The Media Server will fall back on the local agent to try and complete the operation. Server - ORACLE_JINGJPOS01 Set Information - ORACLE_JINGJPOS01/MCRSPOS Backup Set Information Family Name: "Media created 4/24/2010 11:00:00 PM" Backup of "ORACLE_JINGJPOS01/MCRSPOS " Backup set #23 on storage media #1 Backup set description: "d09 - Micros Hot backup " Backup Type: Full - Back Up Files - Reset Archive Bit Backup started on 5/15/2010 at 8:07:37 AM. Backup completed on 5/15/2010 at 8:09:28 AM. Backup Set Summary Backed up 16 files in 13 directories. Processed 3,984,487,765 bytes in 1 minute and 51 seconds. Throughput rate: 2054 MB/min -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  • Hi Rahul,

    This job has been running at least 3 years without any problems. So the three details you said are all filled with ifs.

    We had asked the support engineer to check it. They checked the Vertias and Oracle database, without finding any problems, except the login account. They changed the login account from domain backup user to local administrator, and then it is fine now. But this domain backup user is well in other oracle database backup job.

    Thank you very much.

    Jerry Zhang

8 Replies

  • Go to this particular orcale server and open the Remote Agent utility and make sure you have put the correct settings for db2 and oracle. Check the settings from the other server that is working and try to compare.

  • Hello,

    This will definitely help you:
  • Thank you.

    I had compared the difference between the problemed and the good, all the settings are same except  DB SID. All the agents' account is one domain user.  This job has been ran at least 3 years without any problem. Nobody changes the settings or user password.  I don't know why this job can be ran successfully in second time without changing anything.

  • Thank you for your support.

    If the login account has some problems, why this job can be ran in the second time successfully?

    The introduction of documents are for BE 11 or above. The oracle agent utility is very simple to configure. There are no difference between the problemed and the good.

    I wil try to reconfigure the oracle agent and give you response.

    Thank you very much.
  • Please let us know the following detail
    1> Is this new backup Job or was the backup running fine before ?
    2> Make sure the oracle version which you are backing up is compatible with version of backup exec you are running
    3> Make sure you dont have two versions of oracle running on same box

    Try the following steps as well as Debug log might give you more details about the issue :
    - Place the Oracle agent in debug by following Kb -
    - And Attempt to access the selection from the media server then stop the Oracle agent and retrieved the logs for review.
    - Check for the following message in the NTodebug.log :
    ORALogon: olog(CGIA_UAT@ORCL, CGIA_UAT) failed, ret_val=-12541
    - If above errors is seen than follow
    - check the TNSNAMES.ORA file
    If the Connect_Data = was blank, no server name or SID name is configured than review the document and apply the necessary changes to the TNSNAMES.ORA file.


  • Hi Rahul,

    This job has been running at least 3 years without any problems. So the three details you said are all filled with ifs.

    We had asked the support engineer to check it. They checked the Vertias and Oracle database, without finding any problems, except the login account. They changed the login account from domain backup user to local administrator, and then it is fine now. But this domain backup user is well in other oracle database backup job.

    Thank you very much.

    Jerry Zhang