Forum Discussion

Bastian2010's avatar
15 years ago

Backup Exec 12.5 suddenly reports Error 0xe0008488 - Access is denied.

Hello, my Backup was running fine since more then one year but suddenly, I receive " Job ended: Sunday, May 16, 2010 at 4:19:36 AM Completed status: Failed Final error: 0xe0008488 - Access is denied. Final error category: Security Errors For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33928 " (Unfortunatly the link has no solution for this problem) It is a quite simple Backup, the Backup Exec Server, connects to our IBM Filer and our Windows File Server and backs the data up. (No Exchange Client or DB or else.) I didn't change any password. Also the logon accounts are alright and the test of the resource credentials in the Backup Policy view work fine. Another weird point the Error appears at the very end of the Backup. 4:19:36 AM at this time the Backup is done. A quick check in the restore view, show that the data seemes to be on the tape.(Didn't do a restore yet) So this errors appears to ba a false positive, but why does this happen? I use the latest Version of Backup Exec 12.5 SP3, Live Update says it is up to date. The Backup Exec Server is MS 2003/32Bit. Thanks a lot for your help. Bastian
  • Problem Solved.

    I noticed that in the last 2weeks, 4Updates were applied, so I uninstalled all.
    And viola.

    My Filer Backup is working again. So it seems that in one of these four Updates is some NDMP communication change.

    Hotfix 346104 -

    Hotfix 340792 -

    Hotfix 347786 -

    Hotfix 348110 -

    Thanks to everybody, for the ideas.

4 Replies

  • Hi there,
    how long do you have this error?
    Are you also backuping System State?
    User name and password are right?
    What happens when you run a manual backup?
    Can you schedule a backup to another time?

  • @JoaoMatos
    Since 5days.
    No System State Backup.
    Yes the Usernames and Passwords are alright. I verified them several times. Changed the order and accounts. From Administrator to a special backupuser and back. No luck.
    Same on the manual backup,

    only a testrun shows a different behaviour it ends after 5min with
    Final error: 0xe0008703 - Job failed running its test run. See logfile for details.

    Final error category: Job Errors
    Completed status: Failed
    and a deeper look reveals
    Credentials Check
    Device       : Filer1, //Filer1/vol/Data_admin
    Check status : Error: e0008488, The job failed with the following error:
    Access is denied.
    But the credentials check in the Backup Setup works (i used test all, somehow on the Filer the single Vols are not tested, behaviour since years)

    Another time? Not tested yet. I'll change it. (I doubt it'll help, but worth a try)

    @ AmolZeroCool.
    Already checked and tried.


  • Problem Solved.

    I noticed that in the last 2weeks, 4Updates were applied, so I uninstalled all.
    And viola.

    My Filer Backup is working again. So it seems that in one of these four Updates is some NDMP communication change.

    Hotfix 346104 -

    Hotfix 340792 -

    Hotfix 347786 -

    Hotfix 348110 -

    Thanks to everybody, for the ideas.