Forum Discussion

Marcus_Martin's avatar
12 years ago

Frage zur Sicherung nd Löschung

Guten Abend. Folgende Umgebung habe ich beim Kunden. Einen SBS2011 mit Backup Exec 2012 Small Business Edition installiert. Dort sind 2 iSCSI-Laufwerke angebunden, an der eine IOMEGA Storage häng...
  • Marcus_Martin's avatar
    12 years ago

    I configured a workaround.

    On my first mediaserver I configured a B2D folder called Restore an deactivated this store

    When I do a restore from tape on the second mediaserver I restore all .bkf files and IMG-folders with the same date to that b2d folder.

    Then I activate the Restore Storage an configure an inventory annd catalog job of this storage on the first mediaserver. Now I have access to the backup files created with the first mediaserver an can restore files from it.

    I hope that will work.