Forum Discussion

itokman's avatar
Level 2
13 years ago

GFS and autoloader setup

Can a single tape be used as a target for multiple “differential backup” jobs without being overwritten, so sequential backups are appended? Or it can’t be done as the tapes’ header is going to be overwritten?


For example in GFS scenario we create an autoloader partition 1 with only one tape for “son” differential backups Mon-Thu. With these backup jobs will we be able on Thu recover a file which had been created on Mon and deleted on Tue?


If it is a valid approach, how the tape retention and other settings have to be set?

  • You have to set your Monday's diff to overwrite the tape.  Otherwise, it will append to tape and when the tape gets full, you would need another tape.

    Yes.  You can recover the deleted file if the backup is done between the time the file is created and the time when it is deleted.

5 Replies

  • Create a media set with X days of overwrite protection period and X days of append period.

    If you set a 5 days of overwrite protection then from 6th day onwards media will become overwritable.

    If you want to target multiple jobs to same tape than configure jobs to "Append, Overwrite if no

    appendable media is available" 

    Note: If job spanns over multiple tapes then 2nd tape onwards BE will prompt for an overwritable media.


  • To add to what AZC has said

    if you append, the APP date/time never changes.  It is set when the first data is written to the tape


    If you append the OPP date is reset each time you close the tape.  That is if you have a 6 day retention, if you Overwrite on Monday and Append Tue/Wed/Thu the tape cannot be Overwritten until 6 days after the Thurs append


  • Thank you both AZC and Ken; based on your replies I've set 2 jobs, as discribed below.


    Media Sets Properties and Schedules.

    Full Weekly Set: OPP=APP=7 weeks (there are 4 slots in the partition for Weekly FULL Fri backups)

    Daily Differential Set: OPP=APP=6 days; (there is only 1 slot in the partition for Daily DIFF Mo-Thu differential)


    1) Weekly

    Full - Back up files - Using archive bit (reset archive bit)

    Device and Media


    DELL 1 [0001..0004]

    Media set:

    Full Weekly

    When this job begins:

    Overwrite media


    2) Daily

    Differential - Back up changed files since last full - Using archive bit (does not reset archive bit)

    Device and Media


    DELL 1 [0005..0005]

    Media set:

    Daily Differential

    When this job begins:

    Append to media, overwrite if no appendable media is available

    With these jobs will I be able on Thu recover a file which had been created on Mon and deleted on Tue?

  • You have to set your Monday's diff to overwrite the tape.  Otherwise, it will append to tape and when the tape gets full, you would need another tape.

    Yes.  You can recover the deleted file if the backup is done between the time the file is created and the time when it is deleted.

  • - it makes all sence in the world and directly related to what Ken said earlier. Thank you all.