How to deploy Backup Exec via the Azure Marketplace
How to deploy Veritas Backup Exec on Azure Marketplace.
Veritas Backup Exec provides simple, rapid, and secure offsite backup to Azure for your on-premises environments and protects cloud-based workloads in Azure. Veritas Backup Exec helps customers recover quickly from critical data loss situations, and easily meet data regulatory requirements.
By leveraging Veritas Backup Exec in the cloud as well as on-premises, you gain a unified and efficient data protection experience. Deploying Veritas Backup Exec via marketplace frees businesses from purchasing and managing IT infrastructure and enables them to move to a more cost-efficient operational expense (OpEx) model.
To learn “What’s New” with Backup Exec, visit the Veritas Backup Exec webpage.
Steps to deploy the Veritas Backup Exec in Azure Marketplace:
Through the Azure Marketplace, you can easily and quickly deploy the Veritas Backup Exec
1. Visit Azure Marketplace and click on “GET IT NOW” to use Veritas Backup Exec
Note: This is the Veritas Backup Exec for Azure BYOL.
2. Click on “Continue” to take you to the Azure portal. Log in to the Azure portal and click on “continue”.
3. On the Azure Portal click on “Create”
4. Provide required details in “Basics”, “Network and Storage Settings”, “Backup Exec server IP address assignment” tabs and click on “Review + Create”.
5. The “Validation Passed” message will appear on the screen. Click on “Create.”
6. Once you click on create, it will show you “deployment is in progress”
7. Once deployment is completed, click on “Go to Resource Group”.
8. Select the BE server virtual machine.
9. Click on “Start” Virtual Machine, click on “Connect” and select “RDP”.
10. Click on “Download RDP file” and Connect to VM once the RDP file is downloaded.
11. Your Veritas Backup Exec server is now running and you are ready to use Veritas Backup Exec 60 days trial Version.
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