Forum Discussion

Hassan_Ali's avatar
Level 3
20 years ago

How to terminate job if no writeable media present

How to terminate job if no writeable media present in the tape loader.

We had an issue on the bank holiday weekend where no tape had been put in the tape drive... but then the autoloader was writing to nothing. How do i change it so that if there is no tape in the loader that it terminates the job.

I saw an option where in properties of 'Device and Media' - 'When this job begins' it gives 3 options:
1. Overwrite media (this is what it's set to)
2. Append to media, overwrite if no appendable media is available
3. Append to media, terminate job if no appendable media is available

(Do I change this option here?)

I am a new user to Veritas and have only been using the application for a few months - so unsure what to do here.


10 Replies

  • You can setup automatic cancellation of the job - it's on the schedule tab - make sure you don't set it for a small amount though.
  • Yes John.
    I know what you are on about, but the reason why I have not used this option is because my question is only if there is no media in the tape drive for it to cancel the job rather than stopping after so many hours of writing (cancellation).

    The tapes are scheduled to backup everyday Monday to Friday.

    So is it possible for it not to start if it reads no media the tape drive?
  • Hello,

    1. When Backup Exec detects no media that it can use for a backup job it fires an alert which says: 'insert overwritable media by using the import command'. The job remains unresponsive till the alert is not responded to.

    2. To avoid this we can configure Backup exec to respond automatically to alerts. Especially the media alerts. Please refer to the following technote for that:

    Title : How to configure Backup Exec 9.x and 10.x for Windows Servers to respond to alerts automatically

    "NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days,
    this post would be 'assumed answered' and archived."
  • Thank you for you answer...

    The other option would be to use the 'exclude dates' in the schedule\edit schedule details option.

    I have read your answer thoroughly and I am still very much a novice on the Vertias Backup Exec.

    In the document ' ' you have advised me 2 options I can try Phase 1 and Phase 2.

    In ‘Figure 3’ of this document is it possible for me to select 'Media Remove' after so many hours'. Would this eject the tape if the job had not started after so many hours?

    due to it being a bank holiday.. and the system not being used by anyone in the company... it then does not require a backup say for example on Sunday and Monday, until all the staff are back in on Tuesday for it to be backed up.

    What your option is saying is that an alert would tell it to overwrite media..if I tell it a time to respond to the alert?

    but should I use the option 'Media Remove' instead?
    should i set 'an alert will be triggered after the set time is reached?'

    see now that you have given me more options I am confused in what to do, especially when i am the only technician/administrator in the company.
  • Hello,

    If i have understood correctly you do not want to run your backup job on the weekend so as you have suggested you can exclude the specific dates on which you do not want the backup job to run, please see the technote below:


    NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked 'assumed answered' and would be moved to 'answered questions' pool.
  • See
    and coinfigure it to cancel the job rather than just clear the alert
  • Hello,

    To quote you :

    "due to it being a bank holiday.. and the system not being used by anyone in the company... it then does not require a backup say for example on Sunday and Monday, until all the staff are back in on Tuesday for it to be backed up."

    Which means that you do not want these jobs to be running in fact for which we have given you the option to exclude these dates in the job schedule.


    Please tell us if this helps you.

    NOTE : If we do not receive your intimation within two business days, this post would be marked assumed answered and would be moved to the ‘answered threads’ pool.
  • As per our previous reply, marking the case as assumed answered and moving it to answered questions pool.
  • Thank you all for your comments.

    I have decided the best way forward (solution) is to exclude the date from the tape backup a few days before.

  • Hello,

    Thank you for your update, the thread has nevertheless been moved to the assumed answered pool.
