Forum Discussion

ThomHorn's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

How to unregister a decommissioned EV server from Backup Exec EV selection site


I have decommissioned yesterday a secondary Enterprise Vault server (9.0.3) by following the following procedure:

All seems to be fine on the EV side, but Backup Exec 2013 R3 returns an error when it tried to run the scheduled Incremental backup of EV using the BE agent. (error 0xe000846b)

When trying to repopulate the EV selection list, deleted selections and re-selecting EV selections, it returns a communications failure.

I then started up the decommissioned EV server and uninstalled the Backup Exec Remote Agent and restarted the agent on the remaining EV server, but still no luck in getting the Selection List configured.

Does anyone know what needs to be done to unregister the decommissioned server from the EV site in Backup Exec, respectively to re-register the EV site from scratch?

Thanks a lot in advance for any help!


10 Replies

  • Hello Tom,
       I would suggest that it will be better to open a Support case instead of deleting any entries directly.


  • Hi Tom,

    I have had such an issue before. During a Symantec Support call we indeed removed some entries from the NRDSAgent table from the BE Database. Restart services after modifying the database.

    Make sure to have a backup of the database before modifying !

  • Hi Sush, It is 9.0.3 and in the SCL it is listed as supported. Backup Exec has remained on the same version since quite a while, except for the Hotfixes, and EV backups were also working fine until I have removed the secondary EV server. In the table NRDSAgent table of Backup Exec, I can see there an entry for the old EV server with a tombstone value of 1371282612 and in the ServerName column it is repeating the AgentName (all other agents have a blank ServerName value). Is it safe to remove entries from this table? I would then just go ahead and delete this row and see if this helps. Regards, Tom
  • Hello Tom,
       For me following seems to be the errors
    BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVInterface::RequestXML - This EV version is not supported by Backup Exec.
    BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVTopologyHandler::RequestAndLoadXML - Failed to request XML. Low memory or Service may not be running.
    BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVTopologyHandler::RequestAndLoadXML - exiting.
    BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVXMLWrapper::Refresh - Could not request & load EV XML.
    BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVXMLWrapper::Refresh - exiting.
    BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEVBase::FindFirstObj - Fail to get the EV/BEAO Topology Information.

    Not sure why it says "This EV version is not supported"....?? Whats the EV version that you are using??
    Have you checked in the SCL if the EV version that you are using is supported or not?


  • All the backups worked fine this weekend (EX, VM, FileServer, MSSQL). The EV backup though still fails. I have repaired BE on the CAS, reapplied SP2 for BE 2010 R3, reapplied all post-sp2 hotfixes, reinstalled RAWS on the EV server (all done from within the mgt console) and restarted RAWS on the DB server. I then tried a full EV backup with a fresh selection list and collected among some more lines the following interesting lines: BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVTopologyHandler::RequestAndLoadXML - entering for EV. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVInterface::GetInstance - entering. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVInterface::GetInstance - exiting. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVInterface::RequestXML - entering. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVInterface::GetEVAppType - entering. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVInterface::GetEVAppType - exiting. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVInterface::RequestXML - This EV version is not supported by Backup Exec. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVTopologyHandler::RequestAndLoadXML - Failed to request XML. Low memory or Service may not be running. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVTopologyHandler::RequestAndLoadXML - exiting. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVXMLWrapper::Refresh - Could not request & load EV XML. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - CEVXMLWrapper::Refresh - exiting. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEVBase::FindFirstObj - Fail to get the EV/BEAO Topology Information. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEVBase::FindFirstObj - exiting. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEVBase::ModAttrib1DBLK - entering. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEVBase::ModAttrib1DBLK - exiting. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEVBase::ModAttrib1DBLK - entering. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEVBase::ModAttrib1DBLK - exiting. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEVBase::GetDisplaySizeDBLK - entering. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEVBase::GetDisplaySizeDBLK - exiting. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEVBase::ReleaseBlk - entering. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEVBase::ReleaseBlk - exiting. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\shared] - Detach from EV-SIT::\\EV\LU-SVPDB05/EVAULT\EVAULT BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEV::DetachDLE - entering. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEV::DetachDLE - DetachDLE is successful. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [fsys\ev] - FS_FshEV::DetachDLE - exiting. BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [ndmp\ndmpsrvr] + ndmp_data.cpp (12046): BENGINE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [loops] - data halted: SUCCESSFUL BEREMOTE: [06/17/13 13:42:10] [0000] 06/17/13 13:42:08 [ndmp\ndmpsrvr] | Backup Job Stopped(0) Looks like Backup Exec is not able to get the EVBackup.xml file from the EV server. Installed Hotfixes: 180429,176937,191248,194471,195395. Is it possible that it is the enhanced security in Backup Exec that is preventing the EV information to be updated? Also furhter in the debug logs, it is referencing in there the old EV server address: [fsys\ese] - CreateTempDLE: EV-SVR::\\ In the ComputerEntry, only the remaining EV server is present. Any further ideas before I open a ticket?
  • Hello Sush,

    I got you now about the EVbackup.xml. I have renamed the existing and restarted the RAWS service. I then compared both and they are 100% identical. The remaining EV server's CName is referenced for the Indexlocation. No trace of the old server.

    Anyhow, I gave it a try to restart the BE services once more after this and run a manual full backup and it still fails, but not that RAWS is missing on the old EV-Server but on the CAS server itself!!!


    Faulting application name: bengine.exe, version: 13.0.5204.128, time stamp: 0x5022dfb5

    Faulting module name: MSVCP80.dll, version: 8.0.50727.4940, time stamp: 0x4ca2b550

    Exception code: 0xc0000005

    Fault offset: 0x000000000002ba5c

    Faulting process id: 0x9f4

    Faulting application start time: 0x01ce68e04ed713f6

    Faulting application path: C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\bengine.exe

    Faulting module path: C:\Windows\WinSxS\amd64_microsoft.vc80.crt_1fc8b3b9a1e18e3b_8.0.50727.4940_none_88df89932faf0bf6\MSVCP80.dll

    Report Id: a88b56cf-d508-11e2-b8a2-00188b8a45ac


    Just to validate that BE is still working fine, I just kicked of the full Exchange backup and it works. I will leave BE now for the weekend doing its job (without EV for now ;-) and get back to this on monday.

    Thank you very much so far and have a nice weekend as well!


  • Hello Tom,
        Backup Exec get the EV structure from the EVBackup.xml from the EV server. So try to delete the EVBackup.xml from the location C:\Program Files\EnterpriseVault\Reports\evbackup.xml from your new server and then restarted the Backup Exec Remote Agent service on that new server.
    Restarting of Remote Agent service will reacreate the EVBackup.xml. you may try to open that file and see if there are any references of the old server in it.

    If there are references of the old server in the new EVBackup.xml file it means that EV is still refering to your old server. So this could probably be EV issue.

    If there are no references of the old server in the newly created EvBackup.xml file then restart all BE services on the Backup Exec server and create a new job for the EV resources and see if that runs.


  • I have restarted both the Backup Exec servers (CAS and Media server) and could repopulate the selection list with the EV components:

    EV-DDB::\\EV\DBServername/EVAULT\Directory DB (DBServername/EVAULT/EnterpriseVaultDirectory)\
    EV-MDB::\\EV\DBServername/EVAULT\SITE\Monitoring DB (DBServername/EVAULT/EnterpriseVaultMonitoring)\

    These 3 are the only selection details that are listed when selecting all 3 nodes under the Enterprise Vault node on the View by Resource tab. There is no reference to the decomissioned EV server

    On the decommissioned EV server, I had the RAWS uninstalled but checked if there was anything remaing (evbackup.xml) and there wasn't.

    I ran a manual Full backup of EV. Now at least it starts the backup, but ends with an E000846B error after 800MB.

    In the job log it just says "Remote agent not detected on 'old-EVServername'"

    Is there a way to have the Backup Exec to rediscover the EV site structure? Currently just 1 DB and 1 EV server.

  • If you can edit the selections then use the view selection details tab to get at the text view of your selections and then use this view to delete any lines that reference the resources that are no longer present in your environment.



  • Hello Tom,

        Have you tried to restart all Backup Exec services on Backup Exec server? Also delete the EVBackup.xml file from the location C:\Program Files\EnterpriseVault\Reports\evbackup.xml from your decommisioned server if the fle is still present there.

    Try that and then see if the EV resources from the decommissioned server are still showing up or not.


