Forum Discussion

rcunha's avatar
Level 4
4 years ago

Import an iscsi Disk from 2016 to 20.6 or 20.1

Hi guys,
I have some backups that from a 2016 version that is on a iscsi disk.

I f I connected this disk in an version 20.6 or 21.1, import the disk on disk stoage, inventory and catalog the Backups Sets.
Everything is good, is possible to restore them ? Or I will have to do other things for the backups are possible to make this backups avaiable ?

  • pkh's avatar
    4 years ago

    I have not done this before, but I think what you want to do should be possible.  You would have to import the disk.  You cannot add the disk.

    I don't know why you are doing this. Normally, we would just wait for all the backup sets on the disk to be imported, to expire and then the disk can be freed up.  What you are trying to do would just use up valuable disk space on your online storage.

9 Replies

  • It will be imported as a legacy disk storage and will be read-only.  You can restore from them just as you would from other disk storages, but you cannot write to them.

    • rcunha's avatar
      Level 4

      Ok, I undestand.
      I think is enough for me at this moment, only import the backups sets.
      Anoyher question, If I Duplicate those backups tsets o other disk on the version 20.6, it will be possible to restore too ? 

      • pkh's avatar

        Presumably these are all old backup sets, so why would you want to duplicate them?