15 years ago
Disk Group Import Failure
SAN disks which were originally in a Volume Manager 4.1disk group disappeared during a power failure. We had to subsequently rebuild the server and we install a newer version of Volume Manager in the process(without the SAN disks present on the server at the time). Then, after installing the latest version of volume manager, we tried to reattach the disks by importing them using the newer volume manager. We are seeing all of the devices(disks), and a vxdisk list of the individual disks shows that their headers still contain the previously created volume manager disk group information, but the volume manager fails to import the group with an error that says that there are 'No valid disks found containing disk group' .
Could a volume manager version mismatch between the latest software version which is currently installed on the server, and the old version used to create the disk headers cause a disk group import to fail? Has anyone seen/experienced/heard of this before?
Could a volume manager version mismatch between the latest software version which is currently installed on the server, and the old version used to create the disk headers cause a disk group import to fail? Has anyone seen/experienced/heard of this before?
- Other possibility here is, the disk names got changed...
for e.g if initially a disk was called Disk_0 in vxdisk list, it is now called Disk_1
This order may change depending on how OS builds its device tree... In this scenario you may need to match the diskids from old outputs under /etc/vx/cbr/bk