Forum Discussion

Admin_SNG's avatar
Level 2
11 years ago

Installind driver for IBM LTO Ultrium 6-H

I'd like to install (on Windows 2012 Server) IBM driver for LTO Ultrium 6-H drive for fully use them in BackupExec 2012 (version 14.0 rev.1798).

In installation package from IBM are two versions install app.: install_exclusive.exe and install_nonexclusive.exe - which should I use for BackupExec?

  • Currently BE 2012 does not support Windows 2012 for media server support (i.e. installing the core software on this OS), however it does support backup a remote Windows 2012 server. Media server support for Win 2012 would be present in the upcoming release of BE.

    I would recommend to install the tape unit and BE on a supported OS and would also recommend using Symantec drivers for the tape drive.

4 Replies

  • Currently BE 2012 does not support Windows 2012 for media server support (i.e. installing the core software on this OS), however it does support backup a remote Windows 2012 server. Media server support for Win 2012 would be present in the upcoming release of BE.

    I would recommend to install the tape unit and BE on a supported OS and would also recommend using Symantec drivers for the tape drive.

  • ...BE 2014 which is deep in Beta testing will support Windows 2012 when it is released.


  • But my question is what installation driver is recomended for BE 2012 if i use IBM ultrium LTO6 tape drive - install_nonexclusive or install_exclusive ?

    In ibm installation procedures is written:

    5. For driver packages before v6.1.8.9, double-click install.exe in the driver
    For all subsequent levels, double-click either install_exclusive.exe or
    v install_exclusive.exe
    The driver issues automatic reserves on open. It also
    prevents multiple open handles from the host to a drive from existing at the
    same time, as is required by applications such as Tivoli Storage Manager.
    This driver is also required for the failover feature to work.
    v install_nonexclusive.exe The driver permits open handles from the host to a
    drive to exist at the same time, as is required by applications such as
    Microsoft Removable Storage Manager (RSM) or Microsoft Data Protection
    Manager (DPM).
    Note: Review with your software application vendor the supported or required
    driver installation and configuration.

    Now I have installed Microsoft driver from W2012 system (and it works) but i think backup will be faster if i install ibm driver.


  • We recommend using Symantec drivers for tape drivers, however your current setup (of installing BE 2012 on a Win 2012 server) is not supported yet.