Forum Discussion

Service_Informa's avatar
11 years ago

Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier for duplicate incremental jobs

The situation: Backup Exec 2010 R3 SP4 on windows 2008 R2 server, backuping VMWare VMs in a vSphere 5.1 infrastucture.


I run full backup on week-end and incremental jobs each Monday-Friday evening. Backups are done to disk and then duplicated to tape.

On friday, I used to delete all Full B2D media and overwritable incremetal media to ensure enough place for backups to run well.


After installation of SP3, Friday Duplicate were failing with error

Job ended: vendredi 14 février 2014 at 11:50:58
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0009585 - Unable to open a disk of the virtual machine.
Final error category: Resource Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-38277

Verify- VMVCB::\\S2LVCENTER1\VCGuestVm\(DC)S2L-Datacenter(DC)\vm\Serveurs\S2LVoIP
Unexpected end of backup set encountered on IBM 0002. 
V-79-57344-34004 - End of data set was unexpectedly encountered. 

when looking in the beremote log I could see that it was looking for the B2D full media:

[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - Attach to VMVCB::\\S2LVCENTER1\VCGuestVm\(DC)S2L-Datacenter(DC)\vm\Serveurs\S2LVoIP
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\loops]         - LP_DoBackup() VM-MetaData: Updating metadata for 'VMVCB::\\S2LVCENTER1\VCGuestVm\(DC)S2L-Datacenter(DC)\vm\Serveurs\S2LVoIP'. Snap: '(null)' Disks: 0 Change id: 'No change id' Chain: 'No chain change id'
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\tpfmt]         - TF_OpenTape()
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\tpfmt]         - TF_GetDriveContext ...
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\tpfmt]         - TF_GetDriveContext returning 0x00000000, context = 13E1ACD0
[5008] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - VixDiskLib_Read(): Read thread '5008' Start
[5008] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - initializeCom Failed to Get Status
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\tpfmt]         - Allocated 10 buffers, size 65536 bytes, total used: 656720
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\tpfmt]         - TF_MoverAsyncInit(): Started ProcessRequest thread 4764
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\loops]         - lp_IsRemote: beclass::IsThisMe() returned error: 87
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\tpfmt]         - TF_OpenSet()
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\tpfmt]         - SetupFormatEnv( fmt=0 )
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\tpfmt]         - End of TF_OpenSet() ret_val = 0x00000000, num buffers = 10
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\ndmpsrvr]      - Going to perform pre backup dbcc.
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [ndmp\loops]         - Windows Server 2003 (or higher) detected. No S2LP mapping required.
[3076] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - VDDK-Log: DISKLIB-DSCPTR: Opened [0]: "S2LVoIP.vmdk" (0x1a)
[3076] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - VDDK-Log: DISKLIB-LINK  : Opened 'D:\b2d-be-vms-inc\IMG025616\S2LVoIP.vmdk' (0x1a): monolithicSparse, 62914560 sectors / 30 GB.
[3076] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - VDDK-Warn: FILE: CreateEntryDirectory creation failure on 'D:\b2d-be-vms-inc\IMG025589\S2LVoIP.vmdk.lck': The system cannot find the file specified
[3076] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - VDDK-Warn: FILE: FileIO_Lock on 'D:\b2d-be-vms-inc\IMG025589\S2LVoIP.vmdk' failed: The system cannot find the file specified
[3076] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - VDDK-Log: DISKLIB-DSCPTR: DescriptorDetermineType: failed to open 'D:\b2d-be-vms-inc\IMG025589\S2LVoIP.vmdk': Could not find the file (600000003)
[3076] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - VDDK-Log: DISKLIB-LINK  : "D:\b2d-be-vms-inc\IMG025589\S2LVoIP.vmdk" : failed to open (The system cannot find the file specified).
[3076] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - VDDK-Log: DISKLIB-CHAIN :"D:\b2d-be-vms-inc\IMG025616\S2LVoIP.vmdk": Failed to open parent "D:\b2d-be-vms-inc\IMG025589\S2LVoIP.vmdk": The system cannot find the file specified.
[3076] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - VDDK-Log: DISKLIB-CHAIN : "D:\b2d-be-vms-inc\IMG025589\S2LVoIP.vmdk" : failed to open (The parent of this virtual disk could not be opened).
[3076] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - VDDK-Log: DISKLIB-LIB   : Failed to open 'D:\b2d-be-vms-inc\IMG025616\S2LVoIP.vmdk' with flags 0x1a The parent of this virtual disk could not be opened (23).
[3076] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\shared]        - Calling the vixdiskLib api: VixDiskLib_Open(D:\b2d-be-vms-inc\IMG025616\S2LVoIP.vmdk, 0 (0x1998083088) )
[7012] 02/14/14 11:47:50 [fsys\vmvcb\pdi]     - Could not open the local disk D:\b2d-be-vms-inc\IMG025616\S2LVoIP.vmdk. Error Text: 'The parent of this virtual disk could not be opened' Error: '98784263820'

Before installation of SP3, the duplication jobs were running well, even with the Full B2D Media deleted.

I then installed SP4 to see if it corrects this error, but now I have:

Drive and media mount requested: 05.03.2014 03:14:31
V-79-57344-33029 - Error - Mount failed. Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier. 
Media GUID: {D4C6FD95-BFBF-404A-903B-CC5F283F0547}
V-79-57344-33029 - Unable to acquire device for the specified pool and media Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier.

Job ended: mercredi 5 mars 2014 at 03:15:02
Completed status: Failed
Final error: 0xe0008105 - Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier.
Final error category: Job Errors

For additional information regarding this error refer to link V-79-57344-33029

Click an error below to locate it in the job log

V-79-57344-33029 - Error - Mount failed.

Invalid Physical Volume Library Media Identifier.

V-79-57344-33029 - Unable to acquire device for the specified pool and media


I found this article:
But it only speaks about diffenrential and not incremental.

Does it mean that henceforce it's not possible to delete the Full B2D media and run incremental? And that I will have to wait before last daily occured before deleting B2D?


3 Replies

  • Have you tried re-creating your backup and duplicate jobs?  This should be simple since you are using a policy.

  • Thank you pkh for your answer.

    I deleted an recreated jobs with policy for a specific and deleted all b2d media related to this server and then:

    1. Ran full -> OK
    2. Ran incr -> OK
    3. Deleted b2d media for the full and retried an INCR -> still ok

    So your proposition seems to be greate.

    I just recreated jobs for all servers. Tonight daily will crash but I hope that Full and subsequent INCR, also next Friday when all B2D media of FULL will be deleted.

    If all is fine I will mark your answer as solution for this case.

    Have a nice week-end!


  • Unfortunately the problem is still there.

    I will open a case.

    Meanwhile, I will try to not delete the full B2D media and cross finger for the space to be large enough.