Forum Discussion

brandontmyers's avatar
11 years ago

Inventory fails with new tapes

Hi All,

I have Backup Exec 2010 R3 running on Windows Server 2008 R2. I have had no problem running inventories in the past. However I just received new HP LTO-4 Ultrium RW tapes, and the inventory fails every time. I am not the most knowledgable with backups, so I apologize in advance. 

I looked up what the problem could be and it stated something about the barcode scanning being turned on. I checked the properties and it was NOT turned on.


Server name : EI-BAK-01
Job name    : Inventory Device 00161
Job log     : C:\Program Files\Symantec\Backup Exec\Data\BEX_EI-BAK-01_01696.xml
Device name : HP 0002


Utility Job Information


Job Completion Status
Job started     : Monday, December 09, 2013 12:27:14 PM
Job ended       : Monday, December 09, 2013 12:33:20 PM
Final error: 0xe000e005 - The job has reported multiple errors. See the job log for details.

Final error category: Backup Device Errors
Completed status: Failed


  • The adamm.log shows that you are using an LTO2 drive, which CANNOT read anything newer than that.  So, you may use LTO1 media or LTO2 media.  That is all.


    0004:0000:0000:0000  "LSI_SCSI", (Port Driver)
    0004:0000:0004:0000  "HP      Ultrium 2-SCSI  S63W", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
    0004:0000:0004:0001  "HP      1x8 G2 AUTOLDR  3.00", (Changer Device), "\\.\MediumChanger1"

7 Replies

  • What library and tape drive are you using?  Does your tape drive support using LTO4 tapes?  What type of tapes were you using previously?  Can you run an inventory from the library LCD or web interface?

    I would suggest starting the BE tracer tool and running an inventory of one slot.  The trace should give you info to determine if the root cause is the tape drive, the library or BE configuration.  Feel free to post your .bin trace here and we will help you.

  • Are you using barcode labels?  If so, do the barcodes labels conform to the HP standard?

    What is the tape drive that you are using?  What LTO is it?

  • Hello Brandon could you please let us know the primary inquiry string and error if any from the adamm.log you can find this log by default in c:\program files\symantec\backup exec for windows\backup exec\logs Please make sure to have latest backup exec service pack and hotfixes applied as it will contain latest DDI(drivers), Please check the link below for the latest DDI hope this resolves the issue
  • Hi All,


    Thanks for all of the responses. I am using an HP Storageworks 1/8 G2 Tape Loader. From what I have read it should have no issues with LTO-4. I have most recently been using LTO-2. When I try to run an inventory on the LCD, I get no problems, but it still will not run in BE. I am not using barcodes. None of my other tapes were bardocded either.


    I have attached the adamm.log file. 

  • The adamm.log shows that you are using an LTO2 drive, which CANNOT read anything newer than that.  So, you may use LTO1 media or LTO2 media.  That is all.


    0004:0000:0000:0000  "LSI_SCSI", (Port Driver)
    0004:0000:0004:0000  "HP      Ultrium 2-SCSI  S63W", (Tape Device), "\\.\Tape0"
    0004:0000:0004:0001  "HP      1x8 G2 AUTOLDR  3.00", (Changer Device), "\\.\MediumChanger1"