Forum Discussion

Robert_Zabaga's avatar
20 years ago

Job error due to remote agent.

My nightly backup job began failing about 1 week ago. Here is the detail of the error:

"a000846b device could not be backed up because an error occurred while connecting to the Remote Agent for Windows Servers. Make sure that the Remote Agent for Windows Servers is running on the target computer."

1. I'm backing up my local machine that Veritas is installed on, so why the remote agent error?

2. The Remote Agent service is running, and I restarted it a few times in case. It uses the "local system" account to run the service. I did try changing it to the local admin. account but that had no effect.

What should I try next?

4 Replies

  • Hello,

    The error "a000846b" occurs if the "Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers" service terminates. Please ensure that 'Backup Exec Remote Agent for Windows Servers' service is running on the local Server during the backup operation.
    This problem may occur, if there is a communication problem between Backup Exec and Remote Agent component.

    Evenif, you are backing up a local server, remote agent is used for backup or restore. It uses Port 10000 as a default port.

    Title: "The resource could not be backed up because an error..." (a000846b HEX or e000846b HEX) or "Media servers cannot completely protect remote Windows-based..." (a000847d HEX or e000847d HEX) when backing up a remote computer

    Hope this helps you.


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  • I've read that article you referenced. It does not provide any insight to the cause of or solution to my problem.

    I'm going to try running BackupExec Service Pack 1.
  • Hello,

    -- Have you changed the password for the BackupExex Service Account?
    If yes, have you changed it in the Backup exec?

    If no, then change the BESA password in BackupExec from "Network\Logon Accounts...".

    please note:Backup exec 9.1 SP2 is released, you can install it using following link:-

    After installing SP2, it is necessary to upgrade all the remote agent options.

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